Another Leaking Ex700

Oh dear dear dear, maybe im not going to have to eat my words after all.

So I managed to get my hands on a new and free hose adapter for my EX-700, i fitted it on Sunday and hey presto no more leaks :good:

I also got in touch with TT via their main German website, within a couple of days I was informed that a new hose adapter had been posted to me, so even happier as i now have one in reserve, but after my recent success who needs a reserve :hyper:

Just to be on the safe side, or more like im lazy, id left my filter stood in the bucket and oh my :crazy: am i pleased i did, ive got up this morning and overnight the filter has leaked big style, infact the bucket was almost full. So im back to square one :grr: and the new hose adapter hasnt arrived yet.

So what do you think, the new hose adapter i put on was the same one as the other, design wise, do you know if TT have physically changed the new "non leaking" ones or could my motorhead be damaged too ???

Please help before i go :shout: and :crazy:
My ex700 is leaking. I opened up and cleaned everything but have noticed its not the motor head seal. The water is coming from the clips so its like water has leaked in the top part of the motor.
Reading everything it looks like a common fault.

Anyway i noticed the leak when i opened the cupboard door one morning and it was a huge puddle. I was just truly shocked to see this and got tons of towels to soak it up. Now ive sat the filter in a dish to take the drip drip.

Have contacted tetratec via website last night. Checking email every 10 mins for reply. No-one is home as wife is away and i have to work so worried as hell. Im thinking im just going to go and buy a ehiem one for 170 quid at local fish store for peace of mind-but store closes by the time i finish work so will have to try buy online for saturday delivery when im home. Just will have to put 20 towels around filter and hope tank doesnt totally empty by saturday.

I did like this filter but this has just shocked me totally as ive maintained everything and lubricated and bought spare round seals and now water seems to find a way out and it appears tetratec know of this common problem but dont put a message on the site to explain it. The diagnosis tells me i am out of warranty so they cant do anything. Ive emailed and hopefullly they will help.

Yes i may have got the bad batch but why no message on the site to check model serial number and get free replacement hose adapter thing to prevent problems?
One of the lucky ones I guess, no leaks since purchase in 2008 until now Jan 2012.

Happened after the disconnecting of pipes with the hose assembly, flooded the lounge overnight after the usual change of carbon and filter materials.

7 rebuilds and ptfe tape, vasaline, silicone on all the seals I could find, and each time the header tank filled up after various times.

Then found this old forum, and at last there it was, two more large O rings hidden away under the 4 small screws holding the hose adapter together. They were covered in a grey mushy build up that then must have made a small breach in the seals, so stripped, cleaned, vasalined, and refitted, checked with a torch it all lines up, and now sitting here with crossed fingers after an hour watching for the tell tale drops coming once the header fills up again.

Anyway, great to find some help on this frustration, has been a perfect unit for years, but eventually some gunk in a hidden area causes the issue.

3 hours later = It's leaking, so just ordered a new hose adapter unit, if that does not work, its off to the dump with this.
One of the lucky ones I guess, no leaks since purchase in 2008 until now Jan 2012.

Happened after the disconnecting of pipes with the hose assembly, flooded the lounge overnight after the usual change of carbon and filter materials.

7 rebuilds and ptfe tape, vasaline, silicone on all the seals I could find, and each time the header tank filled up after various times.

Then found this old forum, and at last there it was, two more large O rings hidden away under the 4 small screws holding the hose adapter together. They were covered in a grey mushy build up that then must have made a small breach in the seals, so stripped, cleaned, vasalined, and refitted, checked with a torch it all lines up, and now sitting here with crossed fingers after an hour watching for the tell tale drops coming once the header fills up again.

Anyway, great to find some help on this frustration, has been a perfect unit for years, but eventually some gunk in a hidden area causes the issue.

3 hours later = It's leaking, so just ordered a new hose adapter unit, if that does not work, its off to the dump with this.

Do not throw it. Contact TetraTEC customer services and they will help you out no end. :)
One of the lucky ones I guess, no leaks since purchase in 2008 until now Jan 2012.

Happened after the disconnecting of pipes with the hose assembly, flooded the lounge overnight after the usual change of carbon and filter materials.

7 rebuilds and ptfe tape, vasaline, silicone on all the seals I could find, and each time the header tank filled up after various times.

Then found this old forum, and at last there it was, two more large O rings hidden away under the 4 small screws holding the hose adapter together. They were covered in a grey mushy build up that then must have made a small breach in the seals, so stripped, cleaned, vasalined, and refitted, checked with a torch it all lines up, and now sitting here with crossed fingers after an hour watching for the tell tale drops coming once the header fills up again.

Anyway, great to find some help on this frustration, has been a perfect unit for years, but eventually some gunk in a hidden area causes the issue.

3 hours later = It's leaking, so just ordered a new hose adapter unit, if that does not work, its off to the dump with this.

Do not throw it. Contact TetraTEC customer services and they will help you out no end. :)

Or give it to me??? :) :) :)

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