another idiot on ebay

ryan said:
There is nothing wrong with the tank it could be used for some other species. I just don't like the way it is advertised for young kids to keep Goldfish in, it doesn't say move them after so many years to a pond. :)
Actually - he's not doing anything different than some of the big companies. I was just in a LFS today and saw a 2.5 gallon tank advertised as a "Goldfish Tank". Sad, hey?
lfs sell goldfish bowls, which is worse. And they dont tell you about the fish. When I was little and my goldfish died my grandm abought me like 27 goldfish for my two gallon tank. I dont remeber what happened with them, but I know none of them are alive now. And they never said that youd need like a 270+ gallons for them, because of the 100 gallons each. LFSs just dont care. All they want is money.
I agree that calling this seller an idot may be unwarranted. He does say two "small" goldfish. Not two adult goldfish. We don't know if he had small goldfish in the tank, moved them to larger quarters and no longer has need of the tank. Do the same thing you do to any local store who sells things like this: Don't buy from them. It isn't solely the sellers responsibility to go into great detail to explain how to care for fish, the buyer should do this as well. Even if this seller does not know the proper way to care for fish, judge him/her when you have all the facts and know for certain they are a "bad fish keeper". Also, judge them if you never made any kind of mistake in your fish keeping past.

i breed goldies.keep em and love them :D and there is no way you can house a healthy goldie in anything under ten gallons. ten galons is a bare min like one gallon for a betta. i keep all my goldies in min 20 gallons each.
Well, I was a dumb-butt and I emailed the guy. I have no idea what I was thinking, but I thought some of you might enjoy seeing what he had to say - and at least this way, he can defend himself:

"My Email" said:
Noticed your aquarium on Ebay and just thought I'd give you a heads up. The tank you have has absolutely no specifics listed in the ad. For instance: You're lacking size, dimensions, and the type of filter, heater, etc it uses.

Secondly, from the looks of the picture - your tank is either 5, or possibly 10, gallons. This is *MUCH* too small to ever house 2 goldfish if you expect them to live to their full potentional. Most people don't realize goldfish can live for upwards of 15 years and that they do get large. Instead, they believe myths and keep them in small containers. Instead of growing and living happily, the goldfish's growth gets stunted and they die prematurely.

Just trying to help and Good Luck!!

"Response" said:
Well, thank you. i maybe i should let you know, that i know all of the above information, as i work in the uk's leading aquatic shop. i have listed this item before, and am getting fed up with re-writing the info. if people want to know thinks they can use the 'ask seller a question' function like you did. i know goldfish need space to grow,and realise this is only a starter tank, but i need to sell it somehow. i'll also tell you, that when my four foot tank cracked, this small tank housed 5 goldfish and a weather loach, and kept them healthy, for six weeks untill i could sell them. so thanks for your information, but next time dont bother. h
wasnt he pleasent. and you werent a dumb butt, but a concerened fish keeper. You were concerened about the well being of goldfish. Right? Then there is no reason to think your a dumb butt, lol.
wrs said:
wasnt he pleasent. and you werent a dumb butt, but a concerened fish keeper. You were concerened about the well being of goldfish. Right? Then there is no reason to think your a dumb butt, lol.
You got it, WRS - I was just afraid someone would happen on it and say "oh, this ad said I could keep Goldfish in it, so here I go...GIVE ME 5 PLEASE!"

I have a lady I work with at work, she has a Fantail and a few Mollies in a 10-Gallon. She does everythign wrong (Once a month, she replaces the gravel to keep the tank "clean", replaces teh filter media once a month, etc...) I'm just really amazed that her fish are still alive, everytime the tank starts to stabilize it's cycle, she throws it out of whack again.

Anyway, I've tried to educate my friend at work, but she's just one of those people who don't want to listen - so I've given up. :( I was hoping to prevent another one of these circumstances.
sorry to get off topic, but arent you supposed to change the filter cartidge once a month?
see a total idiot!
5 goldfish in a 4' tank, what a f@>?#*g w%~@#r
First of all I want to say, yes, too small for more than one small fancy goldfish. Then I want to say that I can sorta feel for the guy because I know what its like to tell people something over and over again and you just go so sick of it that you just say here, buy this! or something to that effect. Third, if someone does buy that tank and they put too many fish or the wrong kind in then they can either learn more about the fish hobby themselves or not, but you can not make them do it. You can not blame a store or a person who sells a tank whether it be a 5 gallon or a 55 gallon tank to someone who then never bothers to do the research required. And as much as you can talk to a person you can never make them do anything they don't want to without holding a gun to their head. Unless we start tagging all the known 'fish offenders' that never learn about their fish then the best we can do is teach them what we know and give them advice, whether they follow it is up to them.
NinjaSmurf said:
First of all I want to say, yes, too small for more than one small fancy goldfish. Then I want to say that I can sorta feel for the guy because I know what its like to tell people something over and over again and you just go so sick of it that you just say here, buy this! or something to that effect. Third, if someone does buy that tank and they put too many fish or the wrong kind in then they can either learn more about the fish hobby themselves or not, but you can not make them do it. You can not blame a store or a person who sells a tank whether it be a 5 gallon or a 55 gallon tank to someone who then never bothers to do the research required. And as much as you can talk to a person you can never make them do anything they don't want to without holding a gun to their head. Unless we start tagging all the known 'fish offenders' that never learn about their fish then the best we can do is teach them what we know and give them advice, whether they follow it is up to them.
I completely agree. People are going to do what they want.

Saw a couple in the store today with their son looking at fish. He wanted a Stripped(?) Gourami. He had Mollies, Guppies and a couple other fish in a 10-Gallon. We started chatting and when they pointed out the Gourami they were looking at, i mentioned that it wasn't a wise fit for the 10-Gallon, just on size alone, he'd outgrow it too quickly.

About 15 minutes later, I came back and they were getting the Gourami bagged up, while the PetSmart chick was telling them that he'd not be able to stay in the 10-Gallon too long, he'd outgrow it really soon. I didn't stick around much longer - but I have a feeling they paid for the Gourami and left. Poor fish - he was an awesome speciman too!

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