another idiot on ebay

i'm almost positive it is a 5 gallon,
but i'm sorry to say this
a single fancy goldfish IMO would live happily in its very own 10 gallon with adaquate filtration and proper care
fancy goldfish arent as active as say a comet or coy
IMO for a single goldfish 10 gallons would be sufficient space
lol my grandma had 2 goldfish from a fair... you know how long those live right? They lived for 11 years! They slept also. It would move around then just stop and float up. Of course you had to poke it once or twise then its back awake and peppy. She got sick of em and gave em away.
The reason for tank size on fancy goldfish is not so much for their activity level, but because of the enormous amount of waste they produce. :blink: :p
i am with you guys i think it looks like a 5gal.. i was comparing it with one i have at work.. at that it is a 5gal. well, maybe good for guppies or something like that right?
Pointy_kitty said:
i'm almost positive it is a 5 gallon,
but i'm sorry to say this
a single fancy goldfish IMO would live happily in its very own 10 gallon with adaquate filtration and proper care
fancy goldfish arent as active as say a comet or coy
IMO for a single goldfish 10 gallons would be sufficient space
Well have you ever seen a well cared for fully grown Fancy Goldfish? Most shops round here sell them at about 8", which is like putting a 30" fish in a 36" tank. It would be ok in there for a while but not for life. :)
I don't see what so wrong with the tank a little clean up here and there and it will be fine...for other types of fish, not including goldfish.
It's just the advertising that make it wrong, he could just say "Freshwater Fish Tank", but instead he says it's for goldfish...tut tut
Guppylover said:
I don't see what so wrong with the tank a little clean up here and there and it will be fine...for other types of fish, not including goldfish.
It's just the advertising that make it wrong, he could just say "Freshwater Fish Tank", but instead he says it's for goldfish...tut tut
That's precisely it. The tank would make a beautiful home for a betta, or some guppies, or possibly even a couple of mollies. Anything that stays relatively small. The discrepency is, IMO, where he's saying it'd be great for 2 goldfish and that he's lacking any details about the tank. :)

Maybe he's selling the tank because he had a couple of goldfish in it and they died and he doesn't know why? ;)

Ahhh well. We live, we make mistakes, and some of us learn from them. :)
I dont see why this guy is an "idiot" sure the tank is too small for an ADULT goldfish but 2 baby ones? what if he had a pond and moved them in there.

but apart from anything else he shows a Fluval box (£16.99?) but the tank has a smallworld filter and pump kit, (10.99) so that could be misleading unless he does supply both.

and that tank is 4.4UKg and 5US gallons. I know, because Pets at Home sell them.
plecoperson said:
I dont see why this guy is an "idiot" sure the tank is too small for an ADULT goldfish but 2 baby ones? what if he had a pond and moved them in there.

but apart from anything else he shows a Fluval box (£16.99?) but the tank has a smallworld filter and pump kit, (10.99) so that could be misleading unless he does supply both.

and that tank is 4.4UKg and 5US gallons. I know, because Pets at Home sell them.
ok. so say that you're some one that has no knowlage of fish

you see that advert and buy the tank, you then put two baby goldfish in there
in a few years you wonder why they have died, but do no reaserch on them. You then go out and buy some more, AD INFINITUM.

I hope that people will research their fish but the potential for the above exists.

I call him an Idiot becuase obviously he has done no research on goldfish!
There is nothing wrong with the tank it could be used for some other species. I just don't like the way it is advertised for young kids to keep Goldfish in, it doesn't say move them after so many years to a pond. :)
I think he is just not in the know.

most people have a gold fish live for several months befor it dies.
then they replace it.
Sure it kinda sucks, but its the way life is. I know a few people that do this, but I dont care, so I dont say anything.

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