Another "find" In The Garden-

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
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South Africa
I saw Maya (the dog) busy with something at the edge of the Garden... This is what he found... It moves its head and tail, but seems to be lame in the legs...

Since it is mid winter here, I think it might be in a semi state of hibernation??.. I'm not sure.... I've put him in a cage where it is warm to see if it gets better. If he survives.... This is Chris. (and only the South Africans would know why I would call him Chris)

Any suggestions of what I should do??.... I hope it is not serious... Where are our reptile advisors??


Oh wow, a chameleon and put us out of our misery, why Chris?

Seffie x

amazing what a little bit of Googling can find:
Excellent detective work there Seffie.... I just thought not worth bothering you lot with the details of "Why Chris" :lol: ...

ATM though... it is not looking good for Chris.... I have seen better that did not survive... Don't think he's gonna make it through the night.... Cannot even guess what his problem is....
Got up early this morning to check on Chris.... as I suspected.... he pegged.

Just wish I knew what was wrong.
thats a shame :( at least you took him in and gave it a go just nature

if you wanted to find out theres a useful reptile forum in the uk called www. reptile forums .co .uk
if you wanted to find out theres a useful reptile forum in the uk called www. reptile forums .co .uk

These two chappies lives inside of an air brick above my front door.... Some kind of Gecko....

This one, with his/her re-growing tail looks like he has met with one of my cats before.

This fella also has a kink in the tail, so the cats could've been involved also.

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