Another Fashion Fish Disaster?


Jun 28, 2011
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South Yorkshire, UK
My friend wants me to set him up a little desktop shrimp tank. I was thinking minimum 10litre cube, cycled with my own media, and lots of moss and marimo balls.

However, he emails me today and links me THIS (he's new to the hobby and I have to educate him - his words - before he buys anything.

1.5 litres and they're showing it with goldfish in (the black version has numerous fish in it)? I don't think this is even suitable for a couple of shrimp, so definitely not a fish (although I can already see people wanting a betta in there :( )

Why do people do this? I mean, I can understand the aesthetic side of it, and also the functionality with it having the clock and desktop storage... but from a welfare point of view, this is just wrong.

Any views on this? Does anyone know anyone who has bought one of these faddy fashion tanks?

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I know, these are available in their 100s on ebay - disgusts me too!
i have one on my desk with 6 male Bettas in it.
Pah, I've got an oscar and six pangasius in mine :p

On a more serious note, these tanks are cute; I love miniature things, but no-one should ever even consider putting a fish in one. Just for a start, what happens to the filter when your PC is switched off?! I'd be tempted to put a nerite snail or something in one perhaps.
plus, how long before it get knocked over. i cant have tipex at my desk with knocking it over
The picture with the 2 goldfish in it is either photoshopped or one of the goldfish is transparent enough to see the fake plant behind him! :sick: Should be illegal.
I bet the fish love it when the radio alarm goes off!
On a more serious note, these tanks are cute; I love miniature things, but no-one should ever even consider putting a fish in one. Just for a start, what happens to the filter when your PC is switched off?! I'd be tempted to put a nerite snail or something in one perhaps.

I see no mention of a filter. Just water recirculation.
On a more serious note, these tanks are cute; I love miniature things, but no-one should ever even consider putting a fish in one. Just for a start, what happens to the filter when your PC is switched off?! I'd be tempted to put a nerite snail or something in one perhaps.

I see no mention of a filter. Just water recirculation.
Add sponge to it and it should turn into a filter.
But yeah, that is waaaay smaller than any tank I've ever had. o_O
If only they had 20 gal+ ones like that, with lid+lights, water temp check, PH check and filtration included... now that's a dream for me...
Those fish are all photo shopped in, I have a part time job with an add company and we do stuff like that all the time. 9All those bad photo shops you see on boxes where you can tell that it's been photo shopped, yeah that's us haha.

Anyways, due to the size of the fish people will think it's bigger and can support more fish, (Or a fish :p) In truth any fish in a tank that size would be pretty big compared to his surroundings.

It's pretty depressing that things like this keep being made and people keep buying them :/
Yeah agreed, Only thing you could get in there is probably 3 or 4 small cherry shrimp? But the tank's stability isn't ideal... I simply wouldn't use one. End of story :/
Those fish are all photo shopped in, I have a part time job with an add company and we do stuff like that all the time. 9All those bad photo shops you see on boxes where you can tell that it's been photo shopped, yeah that's us haha.

Anyways, due to the size of the fish people will think it's bigger and can support more fish, (Or a fish :p) In truth any fish in a tank that size would be pretty big compared to his surroundings.

It's pretty depressing that things like this keep being made and people keep buying them :/
Lol like the guppies on the Trixie breeders' net where I keep my swordie fry.
Obviously adult fish photoshopped and added "inside" the net on the pic.
Oh I know they're all photoshopped, the problem is though, people will just see the picture and buy one anyway :(

I wouldn't even put cherries in it :( It just saddens me that these things are being sold
Oh I know they're all photoshopped, the problem is though, people will just see the picture and buy one anyway :(

I wouldn't even put cherries in it :( It just saddens me that these things are being sold
I've got an idea!
Hydra or daphnia tank! o_O

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