Another Catfish Id


Jul 1, 2008
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been trying for ages to id this cat.

Any ideas . please IMAG0021cc.jpg
Synodontis, most likely a hybrid
knew it was a Synodontis but sure it had name when i brought it but as usual i forgot soon as i walked out the shop.
Synodontis, most likely a hybrid

Yep, another hybrid i'm afraid.
Adult size is a guess, but would think around 8-10", feeding should be as all synos, i.e. flake, pellets and frozen foods such as bolldworm, brineshrimp and mysis.
Synodontis, most likely a hybrid

Yep, another hybrid i'm afraid.
Adult size is a guess, but would think around 8-10", feeding should be as all synos, i.e. flake, pellets and frozen foods such as bolldworm, brineshrimp and mysis.
damm was hopeful of a full id , had him 2 years and doing well but always wondered what he was. only grown 1/2 inch though.
nice fish though.
whats mysis not heard of that
I also meant bloodworm, not bolldworm!!!
Mysis is a small shrimp, comes in frozen packets, just makes a change from the normal bloodworm/brineshrimp/daphnia. As with all foods, variety is best :nod:
You should be able to get it in most LFS that sell frozen, although some may only limit their stock to the popular foods like bloodworm, brineshrimp etc. Catfish sinking pellets of various sizes will also be good, but be careful of not over feeding.
If he's a slow grower, then even better, but be aware that it's growth is more likely to be related to the fact it has been hybridised. FYI hybridisation involves stripping a female of eggs by hand and causing the death of the female before the eggs are fertilised by the sperm of another species. S.eupterus is used for the high dorsal fin, S.multipunctata for the body colour, markings and fin detail and others like S.ornatipinnis for the markings, and they are also using S.granulosa for the striking black body with white fin edges.
thanks mate.
gee that dont sound good all that mixing.
will give it a go if i see it.
Nice Syno Clive , very striking resemblence to the post picture from gcparks2000 ( in the the previous post ) you don`t use the same LFS do you ?? lol :blink: :)
Nice one Clive , just my luck for the post to have changed position`s already :sick: , to see what I`m on about check out the I.D. request from the post of the member I mentioned in the reply :hyper:
Have a nice day lol
Nice one Clive , just my luck for the post to have changed position`s already :sick: , to see what I`m on about check out the I.D. request from the post of the member I mentioned in the reply :hyper:
Have a nice day lol
got it yeah fairly simular lol

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