
The cable with it is only 2m long so it probably wont solve your problem :/

Oh well, he'll just have to move his desk then!

4. Dying cardinals. Bout 8 to finish my tetra tank, and only have 1 left. GUtted, But I'm new at it, so gotta expect some disasters. I might go for something harier next time..

They're not usually too bad - just wait till your tank has been established for a while and try again.

personally i just go "ddddddaaaaaaaaddddddddd" cos he was a sparky by trade for 26 years. short of sockets? get your father to install more (though he now says "bugger off, do it yourself you lazy sod")

My dad too - but he's still in Scotland so it's a bit too far to take advantage! Maybe we should add a post to the DIY thread on the installing extra sockets - of failing that the best way to daisy chain!
well im busy being a little lazy right now, but if you can wire a plug, you can add new sogckets, change single gang to double gang etc very easily. its just a point of remembering to switch off at the fuse box the circuit ring. ive been hit by mains leccy twice, and it hurts.
My main annoyance right now is the way this place is wired, this place is 40+ years old and has never been rewired and with all my tanks in my room it blew my brand new ceiling fan so for light I have to use the lamp thats on my night stand and the dumb a** land lord is so dumb he sends this idoit over that definetly isn't a electrictian and all he did was turn the circut breaker on and off and claims that something is wrong with a brand new 5 month old name brand fan and he didn't even take the fan down to see if it was getting any electricty and I swear if the plugs in my room stopped working and I had to run extension cords to the living room this dude would be hearing from me and I'd be calling my own electrican to re wire this place and stick him for the bill. :sly: Boy is he lucky. I also can't seem to get him to send someone over so we have to get a friend of the family that is a handy man to check if this fan is even getting any electricty since this dumb a** can't get anyone over here. :grr:
Sump pumps failing or needing replacement. Has to be the #1 most annoying situation. I have gone through Rio and Little Giant sump pump failures. Have had a Mag pump to replace because they produce too much heat for the summer. I replaced an Ewaki pump because they are so energy hungry. Now I am satisfied so far with the Dolphin brand sump pumps. Quiet, efficient, reliable, and it is inline so it doesn't add heat to the water.
I don't have too many complaints about my tanks that I can think of, except that there's not enough of em and I want em bigger, bigger!
My biggest annoyance with my fish, cichlids in particular, is that they're big splashers and it's a nightly occurence to have water splashed all over my walls from one tank or another.
I actually enjoy the time I spend doing water changes or feedings etc. The community/big tanks seem like nothing compared to the betta changes, they're never ending, but I enjoy them just the same.

f4exotics- I'm in the process of setting up a sump on my 120. The last thing I need is a pump.I've been shopping around, I'll have to check out those Dolphin's! I've not had any luck with Rio powerheads in the past. I can't bring myself tio invest $$$ in a large pump.
f4exotics- I'm in the process of setting up a sump on my 120. The last thing I need is a pump.I've been shopping around, I'll have to check out those Dolphin's! I've not had any luck with Rio powerheads in the past. I can't bring myself tio invest $$$ in a large pump.
wuvmybettas, I wish I had gone with the Dolphin brand in the beginning :crazy: I would have spent less money and time with a quality pump than having to pay for and replace so many pumps :(
Mine is propbably the Disease that always seems to happen to me! Or the unluckyness of the discoulouration of water even thought i soak each piece of wood for 2weeks!
most of my complaints have been covered, like snails and water changes and time, but I think the biggest one is that you always want more, especially space and money.
I was showing my mom some of the comments about spouses and when she mentioned that i don't have my sympathetic spouse yet, I said with my luck he'll have a big enough tank, but already full of fish.
is it good enough if my cats fit in my tank? They actually liked hopping in before i added water. :hey:
Another annoyance of mine is never being able to satisfy MTS and after awhile of getting my 55g when my long 20g used to be a big tank now that I have this 55g it seems smaller and even with the 55g it is starting to look smaller and I want to take the step up to a 75g already and this tank has only been set up a week. :S :p
1) Really want more (and much bigger) tanks. But between the 4 tanks we already have, and teh 4 vivariums we have for our 2 snakes and 2 lizards there really is no more room. I suggested getting rid of a sofa, but the other half would not have it :(

2) Having the odd fish from a number of fish occasionally die. e.g. hatchet fish... had 8 originally and all were doing fine for some time, then over a couple of weeks 3 died, but all the others are still fine and been so for a long time.

3) My cichlids not having successful spawnings... 4 failed attempts from my curviceps. My keyholes are on their first, but don't think the eggs are fertilised. Got to figure out why. But in a way, I guess that is what makes it fun to me -trying to get it right.

4) Having to go to work and leave my fish tanks for hours each day.

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