Angry With Myself !


New Member
Nov 22, 2009
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Why? what you done? Nice bettas
Great pics! love the way it's titled :good: some really nice bettas you have there, not seen a crowntail like that before where the rays are sort of webbed, really interesting, is there a special name for this type?
lol, on a side note you have beautiful bettas! where did you get them from?
I think he's called black orchid double Ray CT..

Great pics! love the way it's titled :good: some really nice bettas you have there, not seen a crowntail like that before where the rays are sort of webbed, really interesting, is there a special name for this type?
that HMPK is so his markings.
would that orchid be a combtail because his rays dont extend very far past the filament? in either case they are all lovely.
Some guys asked me abt photo taking tips. So I thought I share my pointers. Of course I'm not a pro, but I find these steps work for me.

1. *I'm using Olympus E-P1 camera.*
2. *Set cam to Aperture mode and aperture setting to WIDE OPEN.*
3. *Make sure shutter speed is at least 1/focal length of your lens. For my case, using 20mm lens, so shutter must at least be 20mm or faster. Change ISO higher to achieve this, if need be.*
4. *Make sure tank is brighly lit. I use overhead aquarium lamp.*
5. *I prefer to use manual focus to pre focus a distance but if your Cam autofocus is fast, auto focus should be useful.*
6. *Now wait for the moment and SNAP!
7. *Just take more and u will bound to get some good ones.*
8. *Hope this helps. *

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