You can use as much or as little Safestart as you wish. It is a bacterial additive and as is true of that whole class of additives, it is a waste of a perfectly good bottle. The Aquasafe is a dechlorinator so it should remove the chlorine and chloramine that are being added to your tap water. The Aqualibrium is an aquarium salt and pH buffer mix. You really don't want or need that.
How long has the tank been set up and how often are you doing water changes?
The pH is almost meaningless except in context and there is no context in this post.
Fish dying left and right usually means that something in the water is poisoning the fish. Try a large, over 50%, water change with temperature matched tap water to which you have added nothing but the dechlorinator.
Fish-in cycling will indeed kill fish unless you do frequent large water changes, but a 5 month old tank should already be done cycling. That brings up another question though. How do you go about cleaning your filter? If you follow the advice of the equipment manufacturers, you start a new cycle on your tank about every 4 or 5 weeks. That will be hard on your fish. A 5 months old fish of almost any kind is nothing much more than a teenager in terms of their life expectancy. Deaths at that age are not normal at all.
I stated my set up on the 16th Feb,, so its have 5 months and 2 weeks, I have a 60 liter tank, temp is 26 C,, when i first started out, I did do what the manufacture said with regarding to changing filter matter but learned not too but the man in our local garden centre (fish stockist) he said to just give the sponge a quick rinse in the old tank water when taken out,, water changes are done weekly as I have been told too, so take about 20% out, I syphone the gravel every 2 weeks but the weeks inbetween I rough it up to get the much up to the filter as told to by pets at home, I must confess I dont use the thermometer when changing water, but by hand feel (stupid I guess, but its seems to have been ok for 5 months, i dont have any white spot evident, not sure though on fin rot as I have 1 lepoard Danio with what looks like a nibbled tail, so am treating for fin rot,, all other fish are ok.. I have done a 50% change when I had problems with my youngest son getting to the fish food and feeding them without me knowing daily if not more, that is now not happening and fish get fed 2 times a week.. oh the filer sponge has not been changed since month 2,, but I have changes the baskets about 2 months back,, i have a stingray filter.. that came with the set up,, not lost any fish,, since I last posted in previous post in emergency forum,, maybe its the water changes, maybe I should use a thermometer after all