

Fish Crazy
Apr 29, 2024
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Menasha, Wisconsin
I turned my 36 gallons female koi bettas tank into an Angelfish tank. How many Angelfish can I keep in it ? Right now I have 5 koi Angelfish around 2" big each and 5 corys. Can I add any more Angelfish ?
Angel fish are certainly awesome looking fish, but they range from normal to psychotic
Angel fish are certainly awesome looking fish, but they range from normal to psychotic
Yeah they do. At first I had 2 in 5he tank so I decided to add 3 more. One of the old ones in the tank started bullying the 3 new ones. After a day in the tank all together the 3 new ones gang up n started bulky8ng the original bully. Now he is afraid of the new ones. Payback is a B .. I guess
A 36 gallon? Honestly, you have too many already. 2 inch angels are a point in time, heading for 5 inches plus. I would say in a 75, you could have 6, but you would still have trouble if they pair off. 2 inch Cichlids are a very temporary thing.
A 36 gallon? Honestly, you have too many already. 2 inch angels are a point in time, heading for 5 inches plus. I would say in a 75, you could have 6, but you would still have trouble if they pair off. 2 inch Cichlids are a very temporary thing.
Ok thank you
Even a poorly bred angel has the possibility to grow as large as an adult's hand. I made the mistake of 3 in a 33 gallon when I was new to this. Two paired off and killed the third, and I got a lot of babies from them. But 5 in an enclosed space would have been a slow, awful to watch slaughter. You might get lucky and have all females, which wouldn't be as bad. I hope so.

When people talk about tanks with angels, they usually start with how beautiful the fish are, and then move up to asking why they behave so horribly and why they kill each other, and sometimes small tankmates.
Even a poorly bred angel has the possibility to grow as large as an adult's hand. I made the mistake of 3 in a 33 gallon when I was new to this. Two paired off and killed the third, and I got a lot of babies from them. But 5 in an enclosed space would have been a slow, awful to watch slaughter. You might get lucky and have all females, which wouldn't be as bad. I hope so.

When people talk about tanks with angels, they usually start with how beautiful the fish are, and then move up to asking why they behave so horribly and why they kill each other, and sometimes small tankmates.
You got a point there
Actually I’m afraid to more than 2 per tank ( and my smallest tank with angel’s is a 45 gallon tall ) I have a pair that are in a 55 gallon with South American tetras, that have been raised together for over a year, they are probably siblings, and everything changed when one must have reached sexual maturity… they haven’t killed each other… yet, but I think the only way to guarantee an angel not fighting, is to only put one in a tank… Even with 2 of them, if you get lucky, they’ll breed, if not, they’ll likely fight at some point… if they were easy to sex, a hobbiest could maybe do a small same sex group in a tank big enough to allow them to grow, but with a group of mixed sexes, at some point a pair will start knocking off the neighbors
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Actually I’m afraid to more than 2 per tank ( and my smallest tank with angel’s is a 45 gallon tall ) I have a pair that are in a 55 gallon with South American tetras, that have been raised together for over a year, they are probably siblings, and everything changed when one must have reached sexual maturity… they haven’t killed each other… yet, but I think the only way to guarantee an angel not fighting, is to only put one in a tank… Even with 2 of them, if you get lucky, they’ll breed, if not, they’ll likely fight at some point… if they were easy to sex, a hobbiest could maybe do a small group in a tank big enough to allow them to grow, but with a group of mixed sexes, at some point a pair will start knocking off the neighbors
It all makes sense. Thank you for your info

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