Yeoman109 said:
Going back to the dwarf cichlids, if I get Apistogramma's or Kribensis or any other type of dwarf cichlid, how are they with Angels and Gouramis ?
They should be OK with both in a tank this size. I would watch your gouramis though as Pearls and Opalines both turn territorial when they mature.
I'll keep an eye our for it, one of the opaline's doesnt seem right, ever since I got it its never had the same colour as the other Opaline, I thought it wouldnt make it past the first few days in the tank but ive had it for weeks now but it always seems to hide behind plants and soon as it gets its colour back the other opaline / paradise fish chase it and it loses all colour again ! When i feed them in the morning it always has its colour back and eats fine but during the day it loses its colour again, strange !
bikerfish said:>Hi I have 2 bristle nose plecs and the mess is not bad with these and brilliant algea and 1 is a gold called jaffa .
Going on to the cichilds what about keyholes as have 3 , not sure if they go with your fish thoe? middley aggressive will defendend them selfs but only when pushed
What size to fully grown keyholes grow too ?
Yeah you may need to get rid of the paradise fish and only keep 2 of the gouramis(preferably 2 of the same species) to stop aggression if this is happening
Keyholes to get to about 5" long