woodyboy18 said:What about Otto's?
They can be sensitive to water sometimes. How mature is your tank?
woodyboy18 said:What about Otto's?
Had my tank running for around 5 months nowParadise<3 said:What about Otto's?
They can be sensitive to water sometimes. How mature is your tank?
Had my tank running for around 5 months nowYeoman109 said:
What about Otto's?
They can be sensitive to water sometimes. How mature is your tank?
woodyboy18 said:My tank is about a year old. Had 3 Otto's which get on very happily.
bikerfish said:Hi for the algea problem , what about brn I have 2 in a 240lt and do not have a problem
Yeoman109 said:Hi for the algea problem , what about brn I have 2 in a 240lt and do not have a problem
What are brn ?
Paradise<3 said:
Hi for the algea problem , what about brn I have 2 in a 240lt and do not have a problem
What are brn ?
Yeoman109 said:Going back to the dwarf cichlids, if I get Apistogramma's or Kribensis or any other type of dwarf cichlid, how are they with Angels and Gouramis ?
Paradise<3 said:Going back to the dwarf cichlids, if I get Apistogramma's or Kribensis or any other type of dwarf cichlid, how are they with Angels and Gouramis ?
They should be OK with both in a tank this size. I would watch your gouramis though as Pearls and Opalines both turn territorial when they mature.
bikerfish said:Hi I have 2 bristle nose plecs and the mess is not bad with these and brilliant algea and 1 is a gold called jaffa .
Going on to the cichilds what about keyholes as have 3 , not sure if they go with your fish thoe? middley aggressive will defendend them selfs but only when pushed
bikerfish said:I agree to a certain but no more than any algea eater but not like the bigger plecs you can get.