Angelfish Breeding


Fish Fanatic
Mar 2, 2004
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So i did what the sites tell you... kinda. Get 6 angels, and raise them to decent age, and you will have a 98.3456533...something chance of getting a breeding pair. At the time the fish looked pretty good at the shop. Now i kinda regret buying a few, one of them is a real runt, another has a fin deformity. So after raising these fish for ages now, they have become really tame, and what i thought started to pair off, luckily they where the two best looking specimens!

Then they showed typical behaivour that i would expect, they would pair off, the one who appeared to be the dominant male would chase all the rest of the other fish away, etc. Then i realised i had not changed the water for a bit so i took out the decor (i have no substrate) took out the good ol' syphon tube and cleaned it up a bit. I figured the decor was boring so i set it up differently.

Now the fish are totally un-interested in each other, and it seems they are not pairing off (even a few days after). How could i get the fish interested in each other again, or was it something to do with water chemistry etc...

Water changes normally are a way to get the fish to mate. If you lower the temp and up it or if you lower the pH a bit, i'm guessing they should tart breeding or pairing off. Live or frozen foods should also help get them in the mood to mate.
:fish: Hiya moe, the angels had paired up because they had identified a good breeding site, when you changed the decor you removed thier perfect site.
try to put a plant with long leaves(amazon sword) or a tall piece of slate up against one end of the tank. Water changes will sometimes trigger spawning behaviour depending on the type of fish. Live food is the best conditioner as the fish think spring has sprung and there will not be a shortage of food for the fry.
Hope this helps
yeah, just a lot of live food...and maybe try some slate in the tank

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