Angel with fin rot


Oct 29, 2004
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My angel has a case of fin rot, caused I think, by some fin-nipping by 2 black mollies, which are now back at lfs. I have done a 5 day treatment of myxazin in the big tank, but I had to move my 3 otos in there this weekend and the QT tank is a bit too small for the angel for him to be happy in.

I wondered if it was ok to treat the tank again, as I heard oto's are sensitive to meds. Have a plec and corys there as well, so salt is out.

Helllp! I don't know what to do for the best and his fin is no better. Did think about buying some Melafix.
Can you describe what the fin rot look's like, are you sure it was fin nipping, as sometimes finrot can be a second infection, is there any red streaks in the tail or red edging to the tail, how bad is it.
I can't see any red bits on his dorsal - he's a heavily black marble, so its a bit hard to tell. Basically his dorsal fin has divided into two bits for about the length of 5 mm and looking a bit raggy. Also looks like he has a couple of little nicks elsewhere. No other signs of problems with the other fish, water parameters excellent. I change about 25% weekly and test my water every week as well.
Mine did that on a platy divided into two section, but it healed quickly yours should with having good water quality,try some melafix if you have some, good luck.
Thanks Wilder - another visit to lfs to get Melafix - better not be tempted while I'm there :p
:lol: Sometimes you feel like you live there.
I surely do - I've been keeping fish for only 5 months and I'm on first name terms with all the staff, inlcuding the owner. :*) I am obsessed!! Wait til I get a hold of the friend who introduced me to this hobby! :lol:

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