Angel The Male Betta Is Up For Adoption!

youre doing a great job with him to see improvement so soon. it is very gratifying to help a betta in need. all my bettas are rescues of some sort.
keep up the good work :good:
Found this picture, this betta is his coloring but only has a faint amount of blue color on it's tail, so he might only have a hint of blue coming, which still looks stunning if he does.
Here's the new picture of Angel. You might not notice the changes, but his body overall got heavier and the tips of his fins are healing.

And here is the Youtube video of him so you can see him in action. Mabye you can tell me why he swims oddly still and why one of his gills sticks out?
I think in about 2 weeks he can be shipped out, I am just waiting to see if he is gaining more color, so that if you only wanted him because he was pure white, you can tell me ahead if you wanted him, but changed your mind due to the color change, he is still a beaut though. He looks like he is getting pale blue color all over except his body, but the camera doesnt pick up the color well yet. I am not sure what color blue it is, it;s not the common blue you see, almost cornflower blue, but very, very light.
Keith I would love to give him a forever home, I have a 15 gallon I planned to be a planted tank, I have about 10yrs of betta care. And i live in Manhattan.
I'm sure a betta wouldnt mind lots of plants. :) They would also slow the filter current down too so he wont have to swim against a strong current. Good to see even more fellow New Yorkers around here, there's more of us here than you think lol.
So I got pictures of Angel flaring, being he has such crazy looking long fins when he flares the fins are in all directions lol, and now they are even longer! I didnt use flash, so you could see the blue he has now. His eyes alos went from silver to black, but I think that normal he sees just fine. He is like a new fish, he is energetic, flares quite often, and has no eating trouble. The only permanent thing I see a slightly protruding gill, and a bent ray on his tail, but otherwise everything else is great. It wont be long now before he can go to his new home!

Great fish, really beautiful. I contacted you earlier about me maybe taking him, but I've decided I won't be able to. I'm having some problems with the fish I currently have, and it looks like there are some people here that would be able to take better care of him than me. Sorry, and good luck!
I've actually just found him a home, Angelmama will be adopting him, and he will have a 15 gallon all to himself! :)
Great job! He looks great now after your care. He looks like he's going to be a marble.
Great job! He looks great now after your care. He looks like he's going to be a marble.

Those are fairly rare right, especially for fish starting out white? Or do white fish always gain some color over time, like a genetic throwback? I've heard bettas staying pure white are very,very rare, always have a bit of color here or there, mostly red or blue. He might just have only some blue on his tail and thats it.
No white Bettas are not rare. Many marbles are white to begin with.I had a whole batch of marbles that started out white. They never stopped changing color until they were adults and then they can change too.
These are all considered marbles.






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