Angel The Male Betta Is Up For Adoption!

Hi keithp :)

He's beautiful! :wub: and I'm glad you found him a home fairly close by. I love happy endings. :D

I'm surprised to find out there are so many New Yorkers that I didn't know about. A meetup would be fun, wouldn't it? BTW, Is anyone going to the Brooklyn Aquarium Society auction on October 8th? There's also the Nassau County Aquarium Society auction coming up on November 13th. I'm out in Suffolk and won't be going into the city but I'm hoping to get to the Nassau one. It would be nice to see some members of the forum there.
if i were closer Inch id be going. Its about a 3-4 hour drive from albany. we need a good fish club up here.
if i were closer Inch id be going. Its about a 3-4 hour drive from albany. we need a good fish club up here.

Same here, it would need to be on long island for me to go, upstate NY is hours away and I have no way to get to the city myself, without getting lost lol.
He's on his way to Angelmama, and if she has her camera we might be able to see Angel in his 15 gallon tank in a few days! :)

Found out he is from a Malaysia breeder, so he's got good genes. :)


If any of you live on or near Long Island, NY here is the place I got him from, the guy has many super deltas, double tails,rose tails, exotic females, and lots of marbled bettas! A lot cheaper than Aquabid, and good stock, he sells solid colored bettas too.

Octopus' Garden
262 Montauk Highway
Babylon Village
Long Island, New York 11702
phone #
(631) 321-6862
He's on his way to Angelmama, and if she has her camera we might be able to see Angel in his 15 gallon tank in a few days! :)

Found out he is from a Malaysia breeder, so he's got good genes. :)


If any of you live on or near Long Island, NY here is the place I got him from, the guy has many super deltas, double tails,rose tails, exotic females, and lots of marbled bettas! A lot cheaper than Aquabid, and good stock, he sells solid colored bettas too.

Octopus' Garden
262 Montauk Highway
Babylon Village
Long Island, New York 11702
phone #
(631) 321-6862
It's so great that Angle has found his forever home... we need pics of him in his 15 gallon! He's looking great, keithp! :good:
If everything went well Angel should have arrived at his new home today, just waiting to hear from angelmama.
Wanted to say he is doing much better. The red dots on his fins are completely gone, the fin burn is already healing and I am seeing new growth! His tail though is gaining more platinum in color, so he might not be 100% pure white as expected, most likely now that he is recovering his true colors are coming back, but he still is the same white color everywhere else. Will post a pic in 2 or 3 days, maybe a video too.

you would be suprised how much they can change... Lunar was all white when i got him... and about a day or two he got a little spot of blue and well now all his fins are marbles with a light blue grey and hes specked all over his body... so only time will tell lol

BUt He is Beautiful!!!! I LOVE WHITE CROWNTAILS.... and i only live in PA... lol but no room right now so..... lol

HaHa ya they can change colour in a hurry for sure had a black betta with a few red spots on tips(was colour not rot) and a little hint of blue when i got him after awhile he ended up turning pure black. I bread him a few times and he would either eat the eggs or kill the female :( he seemed very aggresive. But the colour does change over time for most and this will probably end up with the silver metalic throughout the entire body. I guess i am to late to snag this one up since i live in Canada might be a pain to ship across the boarder
Angel made it to his new home today, he is tired from his long journey, but should be fine with a days rest and some food. :)
Angelmama has been having issues with her internet connection over the past week, so once it's fixed she says she has photos for us to see. :)

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