Angel Sick


Hammer Time
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
My heater went bad a couple of days ago.  The temp dropped to about 68 before I noticed it.   I used a space heater to get the temp up to 76 degrees.   I received a new heater today (Aqueon 200 pro) and the temp is stable at 76 degrees.   Angel is not eating and has occasional bouyancy issues but still is swimming slowly about the tank.  Noticed a long stream of white poo coming from him.  No noticeable spots or ich on the body.   
I performed a 50% water change yesterday and dosed with prime (whole tank).   All parameters are excellent.   I did change 1/4th of the filter media (floss) a few days ago but no spike in readings since then.
Any ideas what this could be?   any recommendations for cure?
orderered Prazipro from Amazon--will have on Friday--hope it works--will post back
now one of my tetras is showing lots of white spots---treated entire tank with Mardel QuickCure and will be raising temp to 86 in 4 degree increments---hopefully it works
can Ich cause white poo
I have never heard of ich causing white stringy poo, however if a fish is not eating this can result in stringy white poo. If the angel is still not eating try soaking food in garlic or if your LFS does it get some brine shrimp in garlic. The garlic should stimulate it into eating, plus it has antibacterial properties this is safe to do while treating for ich.

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