Angel Fish


Fish Fanatic
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Rotherham, S Yorkshire

I have a Fluval Roma 90 with a JBL e700 external filter.

My current stocking is:

1 gibby pleco
7 rummynose tetras
2 ottos
3 silvertip tetras
1 zebra dannio
1 guppy
5 phantom tetras
2 lime tetras
1 celestial dannio

I'm wanting to get rid of the guppy, zebra dannio, silvertips and lime tetras.

Would i be able to have an angel fish?

Cheers guys
To be honest, you are scruding the minimum height and gallons needed for an angel. You could try it and down the line the angel might pester everything else in the tank if it can't stake out it's own "area".
You need a minimum of 100 litres to house one angel fish. You also need around 40cms of depth so they have a lot of swimming room. If you have a deep tank you could pull it off but you'd need to watch they dont eat the small tetras
ok ill have to give it a miss then. I'm hoping to get a bigger tank in the near future. I'll have a re-think then.

Thanks for the advice guys

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