Angel Fish


Fish Crazy
Aug 31, 2005
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ok well i lost my shark last night so to cheer me up and because its mothers day 2moss my hubby wants to take me to get some new fish, i am also selling the rest of my guppies today so i will have none of thoses anymore, my question is how many angel fish and would they be ok with the rest of the fish in the first 30gal in my sig
in the first one you could add some more shrimp and some more neons, the second one is defo full but you could add a few more shrimp.

If the tank is at least 16" high you can keep a few angels in it, though that is the minimum water depth for standard fin angels. 3 adults would fit in there, but the shrimp would eventually get eaten, the neons may suffer the same fate.

I would talk to your lfs, tell them you want to start with 6 angels, want to get a pair, and will be returning 4 of them. I have yet to find any decent lfs that won't go along with this, they know potential breeder size angels sell well. This way you will have two compatable angels.

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