And you thought the vases were bad!

I'll get talking to a friend of mine. A computer whizz. See if he can give her site a "makeover". :sly:

Hey, maybe he could do an IP trace, get a home address...

These are horrible, such a small volume of water for a fish...I wouldn't keep a bloody MINNOW in that amount of water!
Oh dear god. That is the stupidest thing I have ever seen in my life.
At least I take comfort from the fact that noone will buy the bags because
a)they look horrific - is this woman blind???
b)they look badly made - especially the gold one, the fabric is all snagged and the topstitching looks crap so they will probably fall apart
c)You will probably end up dislocating your shoulders trying to carry around a container full of water aswell as everything else you want to keep in your handbag

I suppose the sight of a betta would be the only attractive part of these bags, although i'm not sure rotting fish corpses are in season this year :sick:
hi everyone

thats awfull that is I think peeps should mail her telling her that its awfull and its crawl. I cant gety over how bad that is :angry: makes you angry to see it.
Lmao 3-D gift rap!!! Ohhhh Ahhh....

If wrapping paper is one of her accomplishments I'm not surprised that she thinks it's okay to keep a fish in a purse (tacky ugly purse).
AGH!!!! GRRRR!!! what the heck is that rubbish??? :crazy: Someone is just asking for a beat down by all the female betta owners. She might as well put a sign on herself saying," I make betta dead traps and I am asking to get a beat down." She better watch her back :shifty: .
Synastic said:
AGH!!!! GRRRR!!! what the heck is that rubbish??? :crazy: Someone is just asking for a beat down by all the female betta owners.
not just betta owners but any person with half of a brain that can see how awful that is.
I just sent an email to her as well in a nice manner telling her about what all of us betta-lovers are in the process of doing about it. I hope she gets the hint fast.
Nutmeg said:
c)You will probably end up dislocating your shoulders trying to carry around a container full of water aswell as everything else you want to keep in your handbag

I suppose the sight of a betta would be the only attractive part of these bags
They only have enough water so that they can just barely turn around, and besides, most of the people who buy bettas do it for fashion, or to match their walls (No one here) It's just freaking rediculus. Lets put her on a roller coaster with a glass wall three feet in front of her and no seatbelt. Whooomph! Right into the glass, Bang! Back to the seat :p
EDIT: Oop, forgot the hatred smileys :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :eek: :< :< :< :< :< :< :< :< :< What fish think she is: :saddam: :rofl: Or maybe even :eek:sama: , but most likely, :devil: . She's goin down :p :kana: :kana: :kana: Ok, I think I'm done :D

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