

Mar 24, 2005
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now i know Amy is a female but this is bafiling. she is really fat and her stomach is all werid looking she is mostly lying in the botom. my problem is i have a male next to her and she cant be moved (my mom insists Lightning stays in her room no matter what becuse he is soo used to it and it litterly depresses him to move and it does) then this reminds me of Ani i found Her in the frige amazingly i figured out my gender blunder was a female. sooo she was egg bound to the point she got dropsy and many other illnesses . i do not want my little princess to die but there is nothing i can do(cant move her ,no meds(my mom is strictly anti meds and she will not buy me some))so there anything else i can do? (i cant breed Ames and flamerz (or lightning)becuase they are veils and there are so many of those in petco i cant aford to keep 10000 fry :crazy: )

i would try to get pics but she is scared very easily by the camara eye and if she doesnt get scared she looks like a blob
naw she is pooping(she is the piggy and i always see poop in the bottom )
You might wanna try feeding her a few peas, just in case. When my betta was constipated, I did notice that once in awhile, he could poop but it seemed a bit painful as he would just swim over to his plant and rest. :/

You could try explaining to your mum that your betta needs meds and if you can't buy them, she'll die. Tell her that you'll be heartbroken and that you will never give her (your mom) meds when shes in the old-age home then. j/k, but it worked for me!

You need to tell your mother that you NEED to get some meds for your fish.
I can pretty safely say that at least half of my fish would have been long gone now if it weren't for meds.

Have your mom pick up some frozen peas and try that with her.
My Cloey is super fat and looks like a submarine all the time. She is, however pretty active and now is chasing everyone and everything around the tank.

Try the peas and see if that helps at all.
Hopefully your mom will buy some peas for you, at least.
i thought i had frozen peas but i used them all...i dont think i can go shoping. i forgot to say she has a split in her anal fin ,and the only way she comes up is for food , ths is just like ani she lost her dorsal and then spilt her anal fin then it tore in half.i am very worried.
update: now we put a paper between Amy and flame so they cant see eachother
she will let me but i dunno if i can go or not..damn i am a bad betta mom
At least you are trying. Most people see a sick fish and head straight for the toilet. Don't give up on her. Get what you can to help her when you can and just hang in there for her.
i wouldent put her in a toilet anyway..i like her not alot (mom's fish she has 2 i have (her's are Amy and lightning mine are flame and Stary) i seriously dont think this is constitpation she is a messy girl (she has poop in her tank i can see it) think its from seeing males(i never had a male by a male around a female except when i had AmyI in a bowl next to Gus but she was a melano (haha melano walmart rescue i know she was ) amyI was always next to gus she liked him but we never bred becuase amy was sterile so i was mad the day she died..but anyway i think she is full of do i get rid of eggs??

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