
You said

Then Essjay asks.

And you reply with

If you studied for 5 years on fresh water tanks and stuff you would know the answer to this, Water parameters, things like dealing with ammonia, how to know if your water is soft or hard are the first things you learn.

You say you are using Seachem Prime.
Prime will bind ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate for 24-48 hours. At which point, if they are still present, they will be released back into the water.

Also most test kits can't tell the difference between bound and unbound ammonia.

But of course you know all this from your 5 years of study.

And maybe if your arrogant ass read it correctly I said. “Freshwater tanks and stuff”. I nvr said I studied ammonia and stuff. Make way for the new hobbyists. U should be teaching the new gen who’s taking the olds gen spots how to treat a tank not derive them from wanting to own one.

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Ok irdc I already have what I need from this thread. Stop getting all butthurt salty mad just bcuz I proved you wrong and so did one of the other ppl. Bye!

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You are the one getting all but hurt as you put it because everything you say has been proven to be wrong.
In Africa there are cichlids that live in rivers that have soft acid water (Pelvicachromis and Nanochromis species), and there are fish that live in Rift Lakes that have hard alkaline water (mbuna, Pseudotropheus, etc).

Africa has 3 main Rift Lakes, Lake Victoria, Lake Malawi & Lake Tanganyika. Lake Tangayika has the hardest water (GH above 400ppm) and most alkaline pH (above 8.5). Lake Malawi has softer water but it is still hard and alkaline, and Lake Victoria has the softest water out of the 3 Rift lakes, but it is still hard and alkaline.

If the pH is above 7.0, it is alkaline.

You can increase the general hardness and pH by adding Rift Lake water conditioners. These are designed to increase the GH of water so it closely matches the natural water in Africa's rift Lakes. Limestone, sandstone, coral and shells will all increase the pH and slightly raise the GH but they generally won't increase the GH enough for Rift Lake cichlids.

Biology covers all living things on this planet but doesn't dedicate itself to aquatic life. Whereas marine biology covers everything aquatic, fresh, brackish and saltwater.

Biologists and marine biologists have a good knowledge of water chemistry and animal physiology and behaviour. Some marine biologists specialise in freshwater fishes, some specialise in marine organisms (corals, starfish, seahorses) and some specialise in marine mammals.

Like why can’t aquarists be more like u. Everyone is mad arrogant.

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U should be teaching the new gen who’s taking the olds gen spots how to treat a tank

That is exactly what people like Fluttermouth Byron and I are trying to do, teach people how to keep fish correctly with the right tank mates that are suited to the water conditions.

For too often people start fish keeping the wrong way and have all sorts of problems and give up the hobby. Pet shops and specialty fish sops are usually no help because all they care about is the sale and if your fish get sick they try to sell you some product that may or may not work.

Why just today I saw a bottle of Betta fin rot treatment for $30, when in fact to treat fin rot in most cases all you need is lots of clean water and maybe a little aquarium salt, Fin rot is the direct result of poor water conditions.

If you want to learn how to correctly keep fish stick around this forum we will gladly help, If not I can give you a link to a few forums that think like you.
That is exactly what people like Fluttermouth Byron and I are trying to do, teach people how to keep fish correctly with the right tank mates that are suited to the water conditions.

For too often people start fish keeping the wrong way and have all sorts of problems and give up the hobby. Pet shops and specialty fish sops are usually no help because all they care about is the sale and if your fish get sick they try to sell you some product that may or may not work.

Why just today I saw a bottle of Betta fin rot treatment for $30, when in fact to treat fin rot in most cases all you need is lots of clean water, Fin rot is the direct result of poor water conditions.

We’ll be more like Colin T and ppl won’t be so derived and discouraged from this hobby. Everyone all throwing all these things I obvs don’t know when I can just simply sell the fish like...

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. Everyone all throwing all these things I obvs don’t know when I can just simply sell the fish like..

So tell me what did you study for 5 years?

Maybe we can help by teaching you some of things you don't know.
So tell me what did you study for 5 years?

Maybe we can help by teaching you some of things you don't know.

I just wanted them to shut up. And I need to know what fish can be in a 7.0-7.8 ph range

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Ok now we are getting somewhere.

Here's what we want for you. We want your fish to be healthy and happy living in an environment that's programed into their DNA, EG Shoaling fish expect others of their kind in the tank, Hard water fish cant live in soft water, Mollies are a classic example. There are reasons for ammonia spikes, and there are ways to deal with them ( Did you know 2 drops of Seachem Prime per gallon of water only deals with ammonia up to 1 PPM?)

We will gladly share our knowledge with you but there is a price, First you must pass everything you learn here on to others, and we love looking at photos of peoples fish tanks.

Here's what you can do to help us help you.

Go to your water suppliers web site and look up the water hardness or you can phone them and ask or take a sample of your water to a local place that sells fish and ask them to test it for you and give us the numbers.
Ok now we are getting somewhere.

Here's what we want for you. We want your fish to be healthy and happy living in an environment that's programed into their DNA, EG Shoaling fish expect others of their kind in the tank, Hard water fish cant live in soft water, Mollies are a classic example. There are reasons for ammonia spikes, and there are ways to deal with them ( Did you know 2 drops of Seachem Prime per gallon of water only deals with ammonia up to 1 PPM?)

We will gladly share our knowledge with you but there is a price, First you must pass everything you learn here on to others, and we love looking at photos of peoples fish tanks.

Here's what you can do to help us help you.

Go to your water suppliers web site and look up the water hardness or you can phone them and ask or take a sample of your water to a local place that sells fish and ask them to test it for you and give us the numbers.


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