Fish Crazy
I went into Boots yesterday to see if they had any 'household ammonia' that i could use to start my tank cycling. I was looking around for about 30seconds when one of the shop staff came up to me and asked if i was alright, i asked if they had any household ammonia as i'd heard that they sell it. I had to repeat myself many times before she apparently understood what i was asking for -
"H o u s e h o l d A m m o n i a", she was repeating what i was saying, mumbling it in various different ways, but obviously wasnt quite sure what i was on about, nevertheless off she went looking for it, she called me over to a shelf she was looking at and asks if thats what im looking for, she's pointing at a bottle of immodium - diarrhea relief!!!!!
By this time im certain they dont have it and after chanting it at all the other staff there they tell me that they're not sure if they have it or not, then one lady asks what its for and i told her "its for a fishtank" "oh no, nope, definitely not, nope, dont have any of that"
Im sure its been said on the forums quite recently that you can get ammonia from Boots but does anybody have any idea where else i can get my hands on it?
