Ammonia Readings


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2007
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Fishless Cycle. Started on the 24-Oct.... I added a bit too much ammonia but it appears to be reducing....

Does the following look normal?

Date Ammonia

24 7/8
25 5
26 5
27 4
28 4
Thats very quik for processing, done any water changes? You may want to start testing for Nitrite now :)

Keep up the good work! :good:
Thats very quik for processing, done any water changes? You may want to start testing for Nitrite now :)

Keep up the good work! :good:

Nope, no water changes.

I thought i had to wait untill the Ammonia level dropped down to 0? The add more ammonia and start testing for Nitrite and Nitrate?
Yes but it wouldnt hurt the process atall to see if they are infact being processed :)
I am now on my 7th day...

24-Oct 8
25 5
26 5
27 4
28 4
29 4
30 4

Ammonia reading has been the same for the last 4 days. Nitrite is 0.

Is this normal? :unsure:
Do you have a ph reading? Sometimes when the ph drops too low (e.g., below 6ish), then the Ammonia eating bacteria will cease. This can be easily rectified easily, but do you have said ph reading?
Do you have a ph reading? Sometimes when the ph drops too low (e.g., below 6ish), then the Ammonia eating bacteria will cease. This can be easily rectified easily, but do you have said ph reading?

Right i have just tested for PH and High Range PH

Result has come back as 7.6
7.6 is fine, be patient, takes time for ammonia to be processed :)
Depends on alot of things, anything from a week to several :) once its down to 0 again you should expect Nitrite to rear its ugly face.
Go buy a bacteria starter kit: BioSpira or SuperBac Nitrifying Bacteria.

It will cycle your tanks in a couple days and you can move on to getting fish. :)
7.6 is fine, be patient, takes time for ammonia to be processed :)

OK thanks, how long should i expect to wait for?

The whole process will take about 3 weeks. I have my tank cycled fishlessly in ~20 days; it took about a week to 10 days to get the ammonia down to 0. And about 15-20 days to get nitrite going down. I noted some behaviour during the process. Ammonia level will go down in a linear fashion. From say, 5ppm to 4; to 3; to 1; to 0. Of course; this is assuming you keep adding ammonia to reach 5ppm every day. You will notice its speed of killing the ammonia will go faster. Once you can get ammonia from 5ppm to 0ppm in a scope of ~10-12 hours, you should expect a nitrite spike that will show off the charts.

Boy, this is the hardest part. It takes twice the amount of time for nitrite to go to 0. However, i noticed nitrite decreases not a linear way. I will get nitrite readings off the chart for like 2 weeks and a half ( I am still putting ammonia in my tank - half of what i used to put during amonia spike). Then suddenly one morning, i read the nitrite to be 0. After that, i check amonia again; obvisouly its still 0. and i did 90 % water change. Put AquaPlus to kill chlorine and waited 12 hours. Then put the fish.
Obviously there is more that 1 way to do a Fishless Cycle....

The way i have been advised to do it, is add ammonia till it reaches 5/6 ... and then just sit back and wait untill it drops to 0. Once it has, then had more ammonia till it gets to 4/5 and test for Nitrites.... Keep doin this untill Ammonia clears within 12 hours.

Is that correct?
Obviously there is more that 1 way to do a Fishless Cycle....

The way i have been advised to do it, is add ammonia till it reaches 5/6 ... and then just sit back and wait untill it drops to 0. Once it has, then had more ammonia till it gets to 4/5 and test for Nitrites.... Keep doin this untill Ammonia clears within 12 hours.

Is that correct?

I think this should work as well but might be slower. I think that putting ammonia every day would do better since fish poo and pee every day right? putting ammonia daily would mimic the action of pooing and peeing of the fish in a religious fashion. while holding off for a few days until ammonia dies off is not "I think" the best way to do it.
Yes, that is correct and I am totally Pro-Fishless Cycle too. Having to wait for two species of bacteria in the air to happen upon and populate your nicely ammonia'd tank takes too long for me.

Then I heard about Bacteria starter kits and I now wonder why they aren't suggested in the pinned articles. Instead of waiting for these bacteria colonies you can simply pour them in and have you tank fully fishlessly cycled in a couple days. :)

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