Right, I'm now determined to get on top of this issue (even if it half kills me

I've spent the last 2 days searching every local lfs for small bags of black sand so that I can replace this dodgy sand with half of my old black pebble substrate and half new black sand but I can't get none anywhere.
There is some on ebay but it's only 2kg and he wants £8.99 for it and there's no guatentee with it to say it won't affect PH so I'm not going to bother in case it solves nothing.
So. I came home and took the filter sponges out (YUK

) and got my syphon into the filter box. I couldn't believe the colour of what came out

. I then set about syphoning out a large amount of this sand to lesson it's depth.
I've also changed my de-chlorinator from Stress Coat+ to Interpet Bioactive Tapsafe. It does the same thing, is more concentrated and at half the price I thought I'd give it a go. So far it's looking okay.
So I rinsed my sponges in tank water, got them back and re-filled the tank. I've also got rid of the stupid aquapure balls. What's the point in them being there if they are doing nothing.
Right now the fish are zooming around. I've not tested the water yet (was waiting for it to settle a bit first) but if the fish are anything to go by then it's happy days