Ammonia is Back!

matthew xia

Fish Fanatic
Mar 27, 2020
Reaction score
London, England.
Hi all.
So far so good. We’ve a happy Betta in a 30l tank with two zebra nerite snails.

I change the water every weds and Sunday (about 50%) and somehow when I test the water on Saturday it’s always showing as between 0 and 0.25 ammonia.

Yesterday I tested about two hours after the change and there was still the same amount in there.

I’m mixing tap and RO water for my changes. There are a couple of almond leaves in there and also a couple of plants.
What sort of filter is in the tank?
How do you clean the filter?
How often do you clean the filter?
How long has the filter been running for?
How long has the tank been set up for?
How long has the fish been in the tank for?
Thanks Colin,

What sort of filter is in the tank?
It's a filter cartridge from Superfish - it came with the tank, a Qubic30l described as a Biological filter with Crystal Clear cartridge.

How do you clean the filter?

In a bucket of used tank water, I take the sponge out and the compressed sponge give them a little rub in the tank water to remove the brown gunk. I remove the stones and roll them around in my hand in the tank water. Then it all goes back in.

How often do you clean the filter?

I've only cleaned it twice so I'd guess once a month (since it's been cycled).

How long has the filter been running for?

3 months.

How long has the tank been set up for?

3 months.

How long has the fish been in the tank for?

About a month.
What sort of test kit do you use, liquid or paper strips?
Have you checked the tap water and R/O water for ammonia?

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