Ammonia in new tank


Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2021
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Hey there! I've darkstarted a new tank about a month ago. I put some used filter media to help out the process a bit. The thing is, I've been doing an ammonia test every week, since it's the only test I have left, and each time the ammonia is at minimum, under 0.05 ppm. There shouldn't really be anything wrong, but I'm just wondering if the media helped that much and I'm not getting any ammonia spike.
What is the source for creating ammonia in the tank? Also what is a "darK" start?
Hey there! I've darkstarted a new tank about a month ago. I put some used filter media to help out the process a bit. The thing is, I've been doing an ammonia test every week, since it's the only test I have left, and each time the ammonia is at minimum, under 0.05 ppm. There shouldn't really be anything wrong, but I'm just wondering if the media helped that much and I'm not getting any ammonia spike.
Hello Bicyclemaster. When I start a tank, I always use some hardy fish and perform, large water changes every few days. I also dose a bacteria starter with every water change. I've never had an issue with the fish. Sometimes, used filter or bottom material isn't available when I start a new tank, so I don't get to use it. But, the bacteria starter has always worked for me. API "Quick Start" is a good product.

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