Amazon Puffers And Assasin Snails And Bamboo Shrimp

Wills said:
Well... no to be honest. Those are both of the fluval edge, one is 25 liter and one is 46 liters.... neither of them are close to the size I mentioned.
Why is the 40 gallon we talked about earlier not an option any more?
Lets restart: when i showed u those pics i wanted to make sure if u actually knew the size of a fluval edge (consider it a test! 
 ) i have a "20 gallon tank" and its not nearly the size of a 12 gallon fluval edge whats  up with that? so i thought that the fluval edge was a US gallon and so i assumed that the US gallons are much bigger than the gallon my "20 gallon tank" goes by. so i assumed that you were thinking of my "20 gallon tank"'s gallons. so does that make sense? anyway could you show me a picture of a 40 gallon tank you are thinking about?
also i done some research and i heard that
Wills said:
A typical 40 gallon is something like a Juwel Rio 180
Thanks Wills but ive been looking at sites and cannot find any Redtailed redeyes for sale i only see redeye puffers so now i am thinking of purchasing a Redeye puffer solitarily they are very agressive though people recomend keeping one in solitare in an planted tank i am thinking of getting a 10-20 gallon tank as the websites say it is the minimal now heres my question: Can Redeye puffers be kept alone? will they stress when kept alone? Thanks!
also can redeyes be kept with redtail redeyes? i want a female Red eye and a male Redtail Redeye ( also i cant get a 40 gallon not enough money :( )

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