Banana plant was moved to the 75 gallon, where the inhabitants thought it was great fun to tear up, so it was relocated again into my son's 29g tank (expect a journal for it someday, right now it's plastic and gaudy figurines). There was stem just plain everywhere. Since the 29 is 18" tall instead of only 12", I hope it won't be as bad, but I'm not sure it will stay there.
Got my new light fixture in last week and I love it! The blue moonlights are really nice at night, the Glofish look amazing under them.
Here's an updated full tank shot...
Been getting some green spot algae so have started dosing with Excel every few days. Seems to be helping so far. Will probably prune the pennywort a good bit because many of those leaves have spots, and there's plenty of extra in there now as it's growing around behind the cave, etc. Must get better about not leaving the lights on too long, especially now that there's more light! The ambulia is spreading and doing great. The crypts still haven't bushed up like they did in the 75g, but maybe the new lighting will help. The formerly leafless amazon swords are growing well (to the right of the filter intake), and the java moss is in bad need of a trim. Moved the wood and moss from the top of the cave into my son's tank (the only live plant in there right now) and glued a bit of moss directly to the cave for fry cover. Some of the platy babies will likely be moving to my new tank at work in a few weeks, so that when they get big enough I can take them to the LFS for credit. Some of the moss will likely go there, too.