Amanda's 55g ~~tons & Tons Of Pics!

Thanks. I am trying very hard. I am learning tons from everyone here.

Someone remind me... When mixed...which one settles to the bottom sand or gravel?

Thanks again! :good:
Thanks. I am trying very hard. I am learning tons from everyone here.

Someone remind me... When mixed...which one settles to the bottom sand or gravel?

Thanks again! :good:

hi icee i would think the gravel would settle first being heaviest than sand but dont quote me on this,your setup will look good when the plants have filled out more.regards john :good:
The sand will get in between the gravel and settle at the bottom. Provided you add enough sand, it will fill in the gaps in the gravel and start to sit on top. Adding a small amount of gravel to the top of the sand will result in the gravel settling at the bottom.

The path should stay relatively intact provided you line it with stones, but try not to make the stones too obvious. One thing to remember is to give it a little tidy before you post any pics, otherwise you will be dealing with the sandy path police. Not very pretty.

The path should stay relatively intact provided you line it with stones, but try not to make the stones too obvious. One thing to remember is to give it a little tidy before you post any pics, otherwise you will be dealing with the sandy path police. Not very pretty.


Who are in the sandy path police, SPP? I know I'm in the fish police, FP. Now, I'm curious, Dave.

Are they meaner than the FP? The worst, of course are the CO2 police, followed closely by the LP, lighting police.

Good luck to you ICEGIRL, your efforts should pay off with a nice setup.

I finally got some of my supplies. I am still waiting for one box though.
I only got one of the pieces of wood. I guess the other two are in the other box.
This is the one I got...View attachment 45073

View attachment 45074

That is both sides. Which one do you think looks better?
View attachment 45075
This is my substrate now. It is eco complete with pure laterate. I am adding more eco complete on top. I hope it will cover some of the clay...

I have decided to go with gravel because it is a little easier to deal with.
I am going to put up pics of the choices in just a sec...

I like this one better. Personally. The other looks too light, but that's just me. But don't rely on other opinions so much. It is your tank, and you should be happy with your choices. If something doesn't look right to to you, then ask. But if you really like something...You're the one who has to look at it 24/7. :lol:

I think you're doing a great job and you are well on your way to having a very nice scape. :good: I didn't put a quarter of the thought into my scapes that you do. I almost always plant ugly first, let the tank stablelize, about 3-4, then scape. Sometimes the scape works, sometimes it doesn't.

Looking forward to seeing the finished product. Remember, though, all this scaping and planning can go to pot if you don't pay attention to algae formation. I've seen so many promising scapes have to be torn down because people put so much effort into their hardscapes and layout, that they forgot to balance the system and algae struck.

I hope that was what I was doing with the way it was origionally set up. I am adding the top layer of substrate and trying to get the shape now. The weeds will go back in for a little while. Then When my plants come they will go in and the weeds will move around. Then I will remove the weeds slowly as the others start to grow.
That is the plan any way.
The reason I want advice on which to use is because when I choose it always comes out looking like crap. Then I have to spend more money and time doing it over. That costs too much and is too much work. I am not good at designing the scape. Y'all are. I also want to know what will look good to others because I want other people to think it looks good. (not just me) It is the first thing you see when you come in the house. I want it to look good.

Please help me make it look good the first time so I don't have to re-do it. It is too much work to re-do this part.
Every one please tell me what you think... :good:

Thanks llj!
Sand, being the finest/smallest particle size.

I think this is the more natural looking and is what I would go for. Like Llj says, it is your tank and you will be looking at it a lot more often than we do. Whichever one you decide on, trust your own instincts. I bet you will still end up with a nice looking tank, because it all appears to be falling in to place.

As an aside, make sure you disguise the cut off end on your pice of wood, because it will detract from the natural look.

Looking forward to seeing it in all its glory, Dave.
The wood will eventually have moss on it. I just have to find the kind I want.

As for the gravel... I was leaning toward the same one. It sort of matches the clay. :lol: I know the clay will end up showing again once the corys are in there... :rolleyes:
Also the rocks that I got to help hold the sides will blend with it a little better. I was also thinking that maybe it wouldn't look dirty as fast. If it don't work out I guess I can pull it and put in the sand. :look:

If I used the beige ones I would be in there cleaning every day! I can't stand for my tanks to look dirty. :X

Since y'all chose that one, and it was my pic too. It will be going in in just a little bit. :D

I hope the rest of my supplies come soon. It said it is on the way here now. Then I can see what the other wood looks like. I kind of hate to set the path without knowing the shape and size of the wood. I want to make sure that it be positioned right. I am going to get it drained and ready so when the wood gets here I can get everything in place. :good:

I will post more then.

Thank you! :good:
Do you know how many trips you have to make to break down and fill up a 55g using a 2 1/2 gallon bucket?
I have got to get a better system! It too a little over 24 hours to finish the rescape. That was with only taking a few short breaks. All I have is a small syphon and small bucket.

Any way... here is how it went...

View attachment 45132

View attachment 45134
View attachment 45136

If you look at the finished product... Then close your eyes and pretend that the new plants (on the way) were in it, and that there is moss on the wood (still trying to pick one) It might look fairly good. :lol:

It isn't just like the pic I was looking at, but I never intended to make it exactly like it. I just like the feel of it.
What do you think so far?
Thanks :good:

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