i personally have never had a betta. i can understand why people like them though. i just prefer other fish. it's all down to personal choice though, and i would never criticise anyone over their personal choice of fish!!!!! :)
they might not be the cutest of fish but bettas, at least mine isn't boring at all. but i guess if you keep it in a cup, it will be one boring and sad fish
Personally I have never understood the betta thing either but then I'm not keen on angels or gouramis or mollies either! -_-

Its just the 'swanning around looking pretty' show fish thing that I dont really take to. They seem to me (please dont take this too harshly, no offense is meant), that these sort of fish only display 'character' in aggressive ways. Like one will stand out for being a bully and another will stand out for not being. Thats the way it goes with my angels and gouramis anyhow. :blink:

I :wub: tigers, sharks, foxes plecs :wub: :wub: :wub:

But then...........if you like fins and fancy things, bettas must be heaven for you. :)
I just hope Dolores puts her new Betta in a tank on her desktop- otherwise that Betta will become very boring after a few days of just lying there :D
There were far too many generalizations made in this thread.

Bettas offer more than 'fancy fins' and good looks. None of my fish have ever been as eager to see me as my bettas. It's almost as if they want me to take them out and pet them! You see this feature in other fish, of course, but it seems to be very common with bettas.

We could all start threads about certain fish that we dislike, for whatever reasons, but many of us show respect to members with different tastes. You should give it a try some time. :whistle:
I love bettas, but i can see how some people wouldn't. Some people just adore African cichlids but i don't really like them. A lot of people ~love~ plecos, i think they are ugly. To each his own, and i'm sure you aren't alone in disliking bettas. I think they are the most interesting when kept in a small tank of their own. They are one of few fish that seem to recognize you on the other side of the glass and they will come forward and display for you, beg for food, etc. Their breeding behavior is very interesting, the ability to breathe atmospheric air is really neat as well. And you can get them in such a wide variety of colors and finnage.
Here's why I like Bettas:



(BKK's lovely CT that I want!)


I think Bettas are great! Their needs are fairly simple and I really enjoy the bold approach they take to everything. They definately are not wussy fish. :p

NDIrish7 - What kind of fish do you like???
Thanks but I can't take credit for the second pic. That is BKK's Betta. The first one is my Otis. He's a fiesty fish. :D
Cavafish said:
I :wub: tigers, sharks, foxes plecs :wub: :wub: :wub:

Me too. But I like Barbs in general. :wub: Sharks.

I never really cared for Betta's(like I did other fish) before I came to this forum. Now I might get one. lol
Isn't weird how certain people like certain fish? Obviously every fish has its advantages and disadvantages, yet some people just take to certain fish, not for any particular reason. odd.

i've never been very interested in bettas although i think they're beautiful. i'm more of a catfish eprson. :D although since i've come here ive learnt more about them and they seem interesting...anyway, my friend is getting one soon, i will observe him and make my mind up.
I know that this has been said, but bettas don't do a lot for me when they are in the store in their cups, but when you get them home and into actual tanks, it is a whole new world. All you have to do is go to members aquarium pics to see how much I love my bettas! I think they are the only fish I've ever had that can compare to Oscars when it comes to personality, just in a much smaller package. :fun:

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