Am I Overstocked Now?

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If you're a cory and you know it clap your.. hands
Nov 13, 2005
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a jewel rio 180 - 50 gallons (180 litres)

2 dwarf guorami (M)(f)
3 kribs (F)(M)(M)
1 angel (F)
1 rtbs (M)
1 sucking loach (F)
2 khuli loaches (N/A)
1 Albino Bronze Corydora (N/A)

plans for a shoal of silver dollars
Why don't you instead build on what you already have :) ? I do not know much about Silver Dollars and have never kept them - but do know that they require a 50 gallon min (which, yes you have). But tanks with too many hodge podge fish thrown together really don't come to their true beauty and display their best behaviour.
Get more corys, angels and kuhli loaches. What "sucking loach" do you have ?

Keep an eye on the RTBS as (as you probably know) are known for their aggression.
With what ya got I'd nix the silver dollars..they get big and a 50 gal isn't really a proper size for a proper shoal for them when they are full grown. You should build on what ya got, keep an eye on the RTBS like Bloo said and also those Kribs...they can be very nippy...other than that what I would do is add more angels...but it's your tank!
id like to add 4 angels, 2 bronze corys, 2 black khulis, 2 striped khulis, 3 upside-down catfish and some silver dollars hows about that?
It will look like a sardine tin if you add the silver Dollars - besides which, CFC has already said they don't go wtih your current fish :no:
[quote name=''genesis' post='992547' date='Dec 3 2005, 11:23 PM']
a jewel rio 180 - 50 gallons (180 litres)

2 dwarf guorami (M)(f)
3 kribs (F)(M)(M)
1 angel (F)
1 rtbs (M)
1 sucking loach (F)
2 khuli loaches (N/A)
1 Albino Bronze Corydora (N/A)

plans for a shoal of silver dollars

You havent got this tank yet have you?

With the current fish you've got, I'd personally do this -

2 dwarf guorami (M)(f)
2 kribs (F)(M) (remove one krib)
1 angel (F)
1 rtbs (M)
6 khuli loaches (N/A)
5 Albino Bronze Corydora (N/A)
Skip silver dollars
Some kind of small plec (this obviously means not a Common Plec from pets at home, or a sailfin plec from pets at home (labelled as Gibbiceps catfish))

Then before adding anything else, I'd make sure everything is fine. I'd consider adding a male angel as well, but I'm not sure how aggressive they'd be on the other fish. Main thing would be to make sure everything is fine and perfect before adding any more fish, and to get the schooling fish into schools to make them comfortable.
yes, actually the tank was delivered on saturday, i added water from my old tank which filled the jewel up about 30%, then i added some water from my parent's aquarium to make it up to 70% full of stable water, then i added 30% of new water (dechlorinated) to it so it is already biologically settled, im now in the process off planting it and arranging ornaments, then I will begin transfering fish :)
yes, i realise that, im leaving it a week before adding fish
There is very very very little good bacteria in the water, so would not help the cycle at all. And you can't just leave the tank sitting, it needs a source of ammonia. Take the filter cartridge from your old tank and plop it in the newer filter, and either add a few of your hardy fish to the tank or do a fishless cycle (which is the reccomended way).
hmm, will add my most agressive fish (they seem to be the hardiest)

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