Am I full


Fish Crazy
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Auburn, ca
I think I had asked this earlier but it never really got answere as the topic changed.

So I have the following in a well maintained gravel substrate, running two 150 penguin bio filters that are running correctly again. planted with anacharis and lots of fakies. It is also the breading ground for my snails but none get larger then say 1 cm as they are a food source for my puffer

two honey dwarfs
two peppered cats (want to make 3)
three otocinclins
five Neon Tetra

is My tank essentially maxed or could I squize another cory In

currently looking at about 16 inches of fish, but I dont know how big the Otos could get up to.

Thought I'd "look before I leap"
By adding a third corydoras, you would be slightly overstocked when using the inch per gallon guideline, but that really doesn't matter. Neons are very light on the bioload, and are on a complete different water level (middel) than the corydoras (bottom). I'd say you're fine adding 1 more to up the group to 3, but do concider yourself fully stocked after :)
Try this out:

Tank Tools.

Calculate the volume of your tank and it will recommend the maximum number of fish that you can keep :D Erised is right when she says that you should consider your tank full if you add one more.
Thanks for the cool link, according to the calculations and since my water line isnt exactly all the way to the surface, im sitting at 19.37 US gallons, so I migt be close, but I also Have two biowheels running and an air stone so I should be housing twice the bacteria and Oxygen levels should be fine. My only concern is the amount of Juvie snails in there, I counted approx 27 snails in about 45 seconds, granted they were all half a centimeter or less and the Dwarf puffer gets about 2-4 a day (depending on what else I'm feeding him that day).

reevaluating the sizes they can get to in inches. (not sure the accuracy of different websites)

Cory's ----- Honey dwarfs ------ neons ------ oto's

2.5 --------- 1.5 ------------------ 1.5 --------- 1.5
2.5 --------- 1.5 ------------------ 1.5 --------- 1.5
_----------------------------------- 1.5 --------- 1.5
_----------------------------------- 1.5 --------------
_----------------------------------- 1.5 --------------

snails of 27 x 1/7 of an inch (average size) = 3.85 (yikes) :hyper:

grand total of roughly 23.85

ok over stocked, but male coryadoras are generally alot smaller then females, do cories care about male to female ratio, if not is there a way to sex them when the are juvies?

Thank you for your help
They don't really care about the male to female ratio, so you don't have to worry about that :) Only when breeding it's best to have 2 males per female, but that's simply because she may lay too many eggs for 1 male to furtilise.

No worries there :) Sexing corydoras at a young age is very difficult. Females are rounder when looking at them from top, and bigger in size. Though, when young, this is pretty impossible to tell.

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