Am I Finally Cycled


New Member
Apr 2, 2010
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Hi all, this is my first cycle and unfortunately did this with fish, anyway after 40 days i have now gone 5 days with 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite,nitrate is at around 15ppm and slowly climbing. Am i there yet? No fish losses thankfully even with a dose of ich that i had to treat 2 weeks ago.

From the things I have read around the forums I think you are doing great and your on the right track. I would see how it goes for another 2 days and if the results are 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite and Nearly 0 nitrate I would say you have cycled successfully.

(wait for someone else with a wider knowledge then me to answer just in case I am wrong)

Good Luck!
Yep sounds good to me! I'm still waiting for my ruddy nitrites to fall back to 0ppm like my ammonia has...right pain!! Just do a water change to get rid of the nitrates.

Yep sounds good to me! I'm still waiting for my ruddy nitrites to fall back to 0ppm like my ammonia has...right pain!! Just do a water change to get rid of the nitrates.
Will test for a few more days, as i understand after researching like mad, the nitrates are at an ok level at the minute, will do my usual weekly water change in a few days or before if the nitrates reaches 20ppm. If this isnt the right thing to do please free to tell me. all advice appreciated.
Will test for a few more days, as i understand after researching like mad, the nitrates are at an ok level at the minute, will do my usual weekly water change in a few days or before if the nitrates reaches 20ppm. If this isnt the right thing to do please free to tell me. all advice appreciated.

From what I've read, your right, nitrates at low levels are okay. You can bring them down with water changes if they climb much higher.
Hi john28uk and welcome to the beginners section!

Looks pretty solid to me! You are close to full confirmation, allowing you to relax a little, perhaps reduce testing to every other day and yes, perform a good weekly algae-clean-gravel-clean-water-change on the weekend. Personally I'd still coast another week at least before making a return to stocking. When you do begin to stock again, if you're going to, stock 2 or 3 fish (at the medium small level) and wait a week or two before another stocking. Adjust this based on size: for instance I recently stocked 5 neon tetras as a group into my quarantine tank after moving a group of 4 on to the main tank. If I'd been stocking gouramis I'd have only brought in two, if harlequins then maybe 3 or 4 at a time.

Tank stats still the same, now decided to go with mbuna, have set up all my rocks (40-50 kg) plenty caves. got to increase ph a little currently 7.4 and find a new home for my tetras. Going round all the lfs to get names of fish i like and will post a list for guidance on stocking levels and compatability. im sure you guys can help :D
You are doing fine John. Welcome to our forum.
With no ammonia and no nitrite for 5 days, you have indications that the cycle for your present stocking level is complete. If your stock level is at much less than its final level, just be careful to add more stock in small amounts.

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