Am I doing Ok?


New Member
Aug 17, 2004
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March, Cambs
Hi I know I am not doing everything perfect! I am finding that out the more I read. I have set up a new 4 foot tropical fish tank and have had 1 pleco (which I am a little bit worried about its future size) and 6 Zebra Danio's (except I can now only find five!!). They have now been in there 1 week, I did not do a fishless cycle the water was only in the tank 4 days before I put the fish in. I have used zyme and coat.

I have now tested my water for ph result 7.6, that seems a bit high but is it dangerous?? Is the only way to put that down by buying ph down? or is there another way. My ammonia was 0.5-1.00, nitrite 0.5 and nitrate 10. So I am not overly disapointed with myself, this afternoon I have done a 15-20% water change to see if I can make things better.

Please tell me am I doing fine or not???
When doing a water change do you let the water sit in a bucket for 24 hrs first? Tap water is bad for fish it can contain to much chlorine. Letting it sit for 24hrs b4 adding it to the tank will get rid of this. Just adding chemicals isn't the answer. I wouldn't worry about that Ph but check it every day until it's settled. Any amonia reading over 0.25 is bad do as many water changes as you need to, even daily if it gets higher your fish will be dead.
Thanks Scouqie, no I have not let my water sit for 24 hours before putting in the tank. But I promise to do that from now on. You have the same tank as me, so its nice for me to see what you have got in it.
Hi Rach

Your ammonia is definately too high and you do need to do a water change. I posted the other day my first couple of weeks of tests and water changes it might just help, just click on my link Cycling new tank although yours will be different it might give you some idea of how things can change and when, i.e. after getting more fish.

Never introduce new fish unless your readings for ammonia and nitrite are at 0, and keep ammonia and nitrites down or fish will start to die.

When doing a water change do you let the water sit in a bucket for 24 hrs first?
Although I agree with using as little chemicals as possible for our fish I do not personally believe that leaving the water 24hours is sufficient. Each area has different levels of chlorine in their water and in some areas it can take 3 days to completely clear the water of chlorine. Plus if your water contains chloramines they will not be removed by letting the water stand and they do nead to be neutralized. I suggest using a chlorine and chloramine removing treatment like stress coat just to be on the safe side. Remember chlorine etc not only kills fish but will also kill your very much needed bacteria.

Good Luck. Let us know how you go :D

edit P.S. if ammonia level go up suddenly - waiting 24 hours for water to stand is gonna be far worse on the fish than doing an immediate water change with dechlorinator. By the time your water has dechlorinated naturally your fish may be dead.

Sorry don't mean to sound harsh, i'm not really and best, best, of luck. :D :D
Thanks to you too Skimpy, I have already seen your list of testing, and I nealy did reply and thank you for doing it, it will perhaps stop me from panicking when things go up and down. I do have stress coat and have been putting that in. I am going to test my water in the morning again, I was hoping to get some more fish tomorrow, but I will not if my ammonia and nitrite is anything but nought. It is a very confusing subject, everybody has their own idea's and I am reading too much and getting really dazed and confused!!!!
Rach please don't get dazed or confused - I do understand it is really hard at the beginning. You will wake up one day having read all sorts and it will suddenly all make sense. I think it only made sense to me AFTER i had gone through each stage. I have been very lucky and had a great lfs who will spend ages chatting and explaining things no matter how many questions I had. But everytime he explained things they only made sense after i went through to the next stage.

Again Good Luck and post any questions if you are not sure what to do. Be patient and go slowley, better to get fish later on than rush and have them die on you. One step at a time and you'll get there, It should be enjoyable not stressful.

Have fun :rofl: :fun: :/ :fun: :kana: :hyper:
You DO NOT have to let your water sit for 24 hours. I've never done this and have never had any problems. Just make sure you add dechlorinator to the water before you put it in.

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