I love Altums so much!! I just wish they were easier to keep!!
I was a sucker for them and was encouraged to import them several times running about 5 years ago and no wonder they died.. tap water is 8.4 here! Ro system was 7.5 evem straight from RO unit! Way too high and ashamed to know now (I hadn't had my own fish before and been in hobby 6 months... please forgive me!) wasn't even testing beyond the obvious ammonia/nitrite/nitrate/ph! Two lots of altums later and one lot of altums that were actually really odd looking scalare...
I got in a third lot and again... lost most...
But added JBL Tourmec (peat) to filter on an Osaka tank and a huge bit of bogwood... tank was lovely, planted with vallis in a wall and amazon swords and twisty tree roots... sand substrates etc.. got ph down to about 5.8-6 at the cost of a blackwater tank... got in so much trouble! Apparently blackwater display tanks aren't acceptable!! But despite the agro.... I maintained 4 out of the 6 altums for a year and they grew fast and were in such good condition by the time I had to leave, I made sure they went to discus supplier and he dod well by them as far as I knew whilst in contact.
Was always pleased they did ok, now I am just horrified at what I did and amazed at my success!! TTA you put a lot of people to shame with your dedication to 'getting it just right'!