See my post above; anything smaller than a 20 long is unsuitable for a kuhli loach.Maybe try some kuhli loaches?
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See my post above; anything smaller than a 20 long is unsuitable for a kuhli loach.Maybe try some kuhli loaches?
Oops sorry about that should have looked up the dimension; was basing it off of my 10 which is 20x10x12. Oh well that 9 seems like a poor aquarium for fishes; I guess maybe it was designed for betta ?The thing to bear in mind about the 9 gallon Flex tank is that is virtually a cube with a small footprint - 14 x 13 x 13 inches (35 x 33 x 33 cm). This seriously restricts the fish which can be kept in the tank as the swimming length is very short. The majority of fish need a minimum of 18 inches/45 cm swimming length. This includes both Dario dario and peacock gudgeons.
The thing to bear in mind about the 9 gallon Flex tank is that is virtually a cube with a small footprint - 14 x 13 x 13 inches (35 x 33 x 33 cm). This seriously restricts the fish which can be kept in the tank as the swimming length is very short. The majority of fish need a minimum of 18 inches/45 cm swimming length. This includes both Dario dario and peacock gudgeons.
The tank is perfect for a betta. But not otos or pygmy cories. A 9 gallon tank can't grow enough algae for a shoal of otos, and many otos will eat nothing else. The tank has a footprint of just 12 x 13 inches and even pygmy cories need more floor space than that.
There are very few fish suitable for a tank of this volume and dimensions, and those which are will be very small - small enough to trigger a betta's predator instincts. He may not be able to catch them but trying to will stress the small fish. Shrimps might be an option, but many bettas see shrimps as a tasty snack.
All ever kept with a betta was a nerite snail.
Hello all,
At long last, I am nearing the end of my cycle process. Ammonia at 0, Nitrites are at 0.5ppm and falling! My tank is a 9 gallon fluval flex with dark gravel substrate, spider wood, blue seiryu stone and a massive fake bamboo plant that makes it look like a jungle but with some clear swimming space in front as well (see picture attached!) I may eventually put in some live plants but wanted to get started as easy as possible. Hardness is 4-26 mg/l, PH is right around 6.8-7. Any stocking suggestions? Thinking of having some bottom dwellers/cleanup crew, a school of something and maybe a showcase fish? Would appreciate your thoughts and suggestions on what might work well together in this setup.
A 9 gallon tank cannot hold many fish. Really no more than a betta or a shoal of one of the nano fish species, and maybe shrimps.
Is this 4 to 26 mg/l calcium carbonate? And is that measured by a test strip or from your water provider's website? If it is mg/l calcium carbonate, it is very soft water so a shoal of something like chili rasboras (Boraras brigittae) would work well. As these small fish need big shoals, you could easily accommodate 20 of them.
Thanks for this. I got the hardness information from my water provider and it is mg/l. I like the idea of a large chili rasbora shoal - do you think I could do either pygmy cories or kuhli loaches on the bottom with the chili rasboras in this tank?
What is the substrate? In the photo it looks like quite large particles. Cories, especially the dwarf species like pygmies, do better with sand. I don't think the tank is big enough for a shoal of kuhli loaches though.
The reason a Flex is tricky to stock is the dimensions. It's almost a cube rather than a typical rectangular tank. The 9 gallon version is 14 x 13 x 13 inches/35 x 33 x 33 cm L x W x H. There are very few fish suitable for a tank with a swimming length of 14 inches/35 cm.
Fish such as lambchop rasboras (Trigonostigma espei) need at least 24 inches/60 cm swimming room, and even the smaller ember tetra really needs 18 inches/45 cm.
Essay's reply:Hey everyone,
I've got 3 pea puffers in a fluval flex 9 and all is going great! Was thinking about changing my substrate from gravel to sand and maybe adding some kuhli loaches. Do you think this would work? I've heard it might be best to keep them in a species only setup but would love to have some sort of bottom dweller and the kuhli loaches seem pretty great! Any advice is appreciated!
I wouldn't keep kuhlis in a 9 gallon regardless of tankmates. They need a group in a tank at least 2 feet long.
Hi everyone,
I've started a second Fluval Flex 9 Tank that's cycled and I just added 4 Fancy Guppies yesterday. Wondering how many guppies I could eventually stock it with along with the number of pygmy or panda cories I might be able to add in the future as well (sand substrate is in place)? Any thoughts or even suggestions on other tankmates would be much appreciated!
I wouldn't add any cories to this tank as the footprint is so small. Cories need to be in groups with the smallest ones needing a big group of 10+ but the tank is just not big enough for this.
Ok thanks for the advice. Any other cleanup crew you would suggest?
The main clean up crew is the fish keeper.
Hi everyone,
I see many differing opinions online regarding whether or not tank mates are a good idea to keep with a single pea puffer. I have one in a 9gal Fluval Flex with sand substrate, densely planted and with spider wood and stone. Lots of hiding places. Curious to hear your opinions on whether to just keep the pea puffer alone, add more puffers or if other tank mates could be added (ie: bottom dwellers like cories or a small school of shoaling fish? PH is 7, water temp is 77 degrees and water is on the soft side. Tank is well established.
Look forward to your opinions on this and thanks again.
Hi everyone,
I have a 9G Fluval Flex that I just added 7 ember tetra to. Thinking I might add another couple embers and then looking for other stocking suggestions. Any ideas?
Thanks for this. I do indeed have a fine sand substrate so pygmies would work great. What other “dwarf Cory” species are there? Hasborosus? How many Pygmy Cory or dwarf cories could I have in this setup?
So 12 embers and 12 or so Pygmy cories. I like that combo - thanks man! This will all work in the 9G flex?
Good idea. Maybe a female betta
Yeah good call. Think I will stick with the embers and Pygmy cories