Alternative feeder fish

Sushi In the wild fish form less than one third of an oscars diet. Buggs are the main food.

Sorry I know I'm hijacking
the best thing is a varied diet. other then live fish they will take a liking to all sorts of fresh fish from your grocery store. they will love fresh salmon, smelts, haddock, and shrimp!

whenever smelt was in season, i could feed my eight 6-7" rbp's for a couple weeks for 2 bucks!

also remember that these fish grow fast... in a year they can easily reach 6"s. just make sure you got the room for them!

good luck!
Sushi's got the idea... We fed my brothers's minnows, but they were too fast and the RBP smashed his face in. The bigger ones like suckers (not pet store kind, the ones in the creek) would be meatier and slower. My brother said they like frogs :crazy: (sorry but I'm a frog nut) so you could try that....
I didn't know that. I originally went hunting for little creek bugs but couldn't found any and found the cockabillies instead. I just thought that the oscar loved them. he gobbled them the second they went into the tank.
He definately grew fast either way tho. very surprising. I thought I'd be able to keep him for 6 months or so b4 he got too big but I was sadly mistaken. It only took a month b4 he was devouring all my community fish that had cost me money. I really liked him tho. he came to the top of the tank every time I went near it. It was really cool.

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