Fish Gatherer
Well, my Silver Dollars are VERY weak when it comes to treatment. They get stressed very easily and I've already lost two of them when treating for funus with Pimafix. They don't like salt either.....neither do my corys or pleco
But I have been treating with Coppersafe for about 10 days now and it isn't ill-effecting any of the fish yet and I have my temperature at 84 F. I think I am going to crank it to 85, keep with the copper and see what happens. I haven't seen the SD itching today so that may be a good sign. But I can't see any white spots on him
And his gills are "A-OK".....I read that sometimes you cannot see the ich......right??
Do you think it could still be ich making the fish flash around and scratch even though I cannot see them??
Well, my Silver Dollars are VERY weak when it comes to treatment. They get stressed very easily and I've already lost two of them when treating for funus with Pimafix. They don't like salt either.....neither do my corys or pleco

But I have been treating with Coppersafe for about 10 days now and it isn't ill-effecting any of the fish yet and I have my temperature at 84 F. I think I am going to crank it to 85, keep with the copper and see what happens. I haven't seen the SD itching today so that may be a good sign. But I can't see any white spots on him

Do you think it could still be ich making the fish flash around and scratch even though I cannot see them??