My new big tank is almost cycled; the ammonia has dropped to zero in 24 hours after each of the 3ppm doses 6, 7 and 8 but the nitrites have continued to lag....until today (my Day 28) where I recorded 0.25ppm after 24 a-l-m-o-s-t there but technically not quite.
Thing is now, according to instructions, it says even slower tanks shouldnt need to go beyond doses 6 or 7, but I will have to....I am expecting dose 9 to achieve 24-hour scores of zero for both.
So the question is, how many consecutive days do I need to record 24-hour scores of zero for both readings? I've had to order more conc. ammonia, I'm nearly out....should I stick to the 3ppm for further doses or could they be reduced to 2, or even 1ppm?
Thing is now, according to instructions, it says even slower tanks shouldnt need to go beyond doses 6 or 7, but I will have to....I am expecting dose 9 to achieve 24-hour scores of zero for both.
So the question is, how many consecutive days do I need to record 24-hour scores of zero for both readings? I've had to order more conc. ammonia, I'm nearly out....should I stick to the 3ppm for further doses or could they be reduced to 2, or even 1ppm?