lol glad im not the only one with redmoor troubles. Id love to wrap some moss around the branches, but i'll wait a while before i even touch it.
When you do, you wont be disappointed ... i would probably try weeping... gives a much more natural feel to wood or fissidens which it's just stunning but ......................soooo slow growing lol.
My camera is absolutely awful, its a camera on a phone thats about 4 years old. It is quite annoying because every shot i take i end up with a different tone. Ive got 1000 pounds worth of camera upstairs..shame its broken
For a phone, i don't think the pics are that bad
As im being given advice, i can see it coming together bit by bit, the left corner only needs bulking up with plants, then i can work across and fit the rest of the scape in with my main focal point.
Agree with the left side, have you thought about valis for the back behind the wood to give full height?, with the fern in front it would give a nice contrast .
Although it still needs some revision and a few changes, im really pleased to say that my fish are not my fish...well they are, but they've grown new personalities are are highly active. My zebra loaches follow my danios about, like their shadowing them, its really sweet.
You should be, looking very nice and coming together great.. if your anything like me anyways... you will be changing little bits here and there even when fully pleased lol
In regards to your post jake - the tank has 3 39w T5's 2 daylight and one reddish...should i be looking to change that for plants?
Nah the bulbs should be fine, the only reason to change is if you don't like the colour within the tank... mostly aesthetical.. even though i do have my own thoughts on this lol.
Im not too worried about the lighting being a bit 'high' the tank is 2ft deep, so im guessing that has an impact..?
Well ive got tpn+ and flourish guessing the excel i should dose daily and what about tpn+ should i dose everyday or every other? I know it says the amount on the bottle, but looking at my tank and my plants what regime would you recommend?
If your dosing excel daily, then this will have effects on the dosing of the TPN+... the more excel dosed ... plants will demand more ferts.
I'm a huge fan of over dosing, many will recommend 1ml per 20l daily... i personally like to advise 1ml per 10l daily but like i said im a fan of over dosing to make sure the plants wont be lacking, rather than see the plants lacking then up the dosage accordingly. either amount for now 'should' be sufficient but just keep an eye on what the plants are telling you.... they will be the best thing to see if your dosing needs tweaking
Thanks for all the help, it really makes a difference
Good luck and looking forward to seeing the tank grown in abit