Almond Leaves


Fish Addict
Dec 2, 2011
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I hear mixed reports about adding them to your betta tanks. I hear they're good, but also degrade water quality, what's your opinion - should you add them or not?
Almond leaves add good things to the water, the tannin that they release contains natural remedies, but a Betta will still Benifit even when it's not sick. The only thing they do to your water quality is add a slight brown tint to the water and lower the water softness a little bit :good: IME bettas will act a lot more happier and will appear physically healthier when you put them in the tank, mine build bubble nests around them...... We'll I use oak leaves just because they are local to me but I highly suggest that you use Indian Almond Leaves instead of oak leaves :good:
I just bought 100 gram grade c almond leaves :) 7 to 10in
They weren't that expensive either! $8.50 including shipping!
What about wood tannis? I have a lovely piece of Mopani wood that's still in a bucket as it's leaking tannin.
Would my Betta like that?
I'm thinking of adding duckweeds to the tank, do you think the bettas would enjoy that?
Duckweed is a pain, it grows like wildfire.
You'd have to regularly thin it out
Not sure about it being a good aquarium plant, but I have water hyacinth in my pond.
It looks nice and is easy to take care of

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