Almond Leaves

XD I killed my plants because my lights died and I forgot to get new ones! They're kinda green but mostly black
I try to put almond leaves in my boys tanks when I remember to get them out of my closet. (Took me forever to find a place to order them from...Thought I ordered some from a place in Ohio, and ended up getting some from Taiwan. Was unsure if USA Customs would have allowed it through, so hadn't ordered any from other countries. But it did.) They seem to be so much more active and healthy when I have them in there. Regular water changes keeps the water from getting too murky looking. :)

I forget what seller I got them from, but it was 15 huge leaves for less than 8 bucks.
I try to put almond leaves in my boys tanks when I remember to get them out of my closet. (Took me forever to find a place to order them from...Thought I ordered some from a place in Ohio, and ended up getting some from Taiwan. Was unsure if USA Customs would have allowed it through, so hadn't ordered any from other countries. But it did.) They seem to be so much more active and healthy when I have them in there. Regular water changes keeps the water from getting too murky looking. :)

I forget what seller I got them from, but it was 15 huge leaves for less than 8 bucks.

Got 250 leaves from Amy on ebay for $55 shipping included from singapore. They were Grades B and C, but given that my shrimp take them apart anyway I'm not too bothereed there being an few holes or tears in them

Got through Irish customs without any issues
MisssMarie: I would say your betta's will love the Mopani wood tannins. My females adore it as they don't have Almond Leaves in their tank do to it being a 3ft and I kinda don't want Almond Leaves all over the tank... So I have the Mopani wood instead as it does the same thing :)
What are the benefits of almond leaves? I am new to bettas, I have 2 males in their own tanks and 1 female in my community tank. :D

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