Alright...a few questions.
- How long has the tank been set up?
- Are you using a liquid test kit or test strips?
- How often do you do water changes?
- Did you cycle your tank before putting in the fish? (obviously it is cycled by now, since you have 0 ammonia & nitrite, 5 nitrate)
- Do you have an airstone in the tank? I ask this because it could possibly be a bizarre form of oxygen deprivation, but that's highly unlikely.
As mentioned before, you are overstocked. Is it possible for you to return some fish to your LFS/give them to a friend with room in a tank?
I hope this all gets sorted out soon,
The tank has been set up for 9 months. I use liquid test strips, I understand they're not as accurate as liquid but I can do paper tests for free at work. I don't have the money for liquid tests unfortunately.
I change 6 gallons of water twice a week, having added aquarium salt since I set it up. Yes, I cycled the tank with 10 feeder guppies, of which 3 survived. Now I have guppy fry from them but the originals have since died.
I do not use an airstone, I have an aqueon filter for tanks up to 29 gal. I also have live plants in the tank. I returned the serpae tetras. So now my tank sits at
8 guppies( 1 is an adult female, the rest are fry all under 1/4 an inch long)<---I will be giving 5 of the guppies to a roommates turtle once they get a tiny bit bigger
3 tiger platies
3 julii cory cats
1 golddust molly
1 african dwarf frog
1 weather loach( he's currently just under 3 inches long, he will be moved to a bigger tank as he grows)
The wave of death seems to have stopped. I'm not sure what the initial cause was, I think the serpae tetras were harassing the guppies though that doesn't account for the death of my peacock gudgeon and neon goby, nor the death of 2 of the serpae's. I did another 60% water change today just to be safe. I won't be adding any more fish to my tank and the guppy fry will be turtle food once they get a bit bigger. Thanks very much for all your help guys! I always thought that as long as the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate were fine in the tank, fish stock didn't matter as much. No more tetras for me!(not till I finally get that 125gal I've always wanted....) Thanks again!!