Wow RW! I had been wondering where you've been. I can see why you're not on as much, you're too busy feeding,
doing water changes, and loving your lil' ones! Your pictures are quite lovely, it's amazing to see how beautiful they
can be again after a lot of TLC. Once more, kudos to you!
I'd love to take them all home. Especially Aria, she's absolutely divine!
I'm glad someone has the space, time and love to give these fish a second chance. Poor loves dont deserve the treatment theyve had. I can see myself rescuing bettas once I have more money and space; a rented house keeps your options down. I've always been limited to corys kept alone.
LOL! We have over thirty fish and all of them have names. Its not so hard remembering them; fish have different colourings and mannerisms. Even their own personalities.
I just saw the newer pics of the other bettas. I have absolutely fallen in love with every single one. They're all so lovely. I can't see how anyone would want to mistreat them in the first place.
Thanks everyone! I appreciate all the kind comments.
Unfortunately, I'll be leaving TFF soon (I can't seem to figure out how to delete my username, lol), so I feel kindof bad popping in, posting a bunch of pics, probably agitating some people (heh) and leaving. If anyone ever needs advice or help placing bettas, you can feel free to e-mail me at
Best wishes, all!
Random Wiktor, this whole thread is STUNNING. Your fish are beautiful, and simply the thought of caring & raising all these fish is rather awe-inspiring. I wish I had this kind of dedication & heart.
Ahh, and I've had a few blind/eye-damaged fish too. Normally I just use a tweezer/pipette, and dangle half of a bloodworm out pretty much on their head. They'll eat it right away, hehe, and I find it easier.
Another thing I've tried in the past is making a little mini bowl, suspended on the wall. Just hotglue a mini dish somewhere along the wall, and they learn to search that dish. What may work better for the bettas is a little plastic ring that floats along the top, keeping all the food corralled in one area, so that they don't have to search around for it as much.
I wish you & your fish the best, you guys deserve it! Goodluck with the whole rescue operation.