All Male Peacock Tank

Almost a month since my last update, and plenty of change to get the right balance of fish - have found the OBs are the worst in terms of aggression etc. Will get some full tank shots up once I've done a full clean, but for now here are some pics of what's in there. It's done off my phone so quality isn't great sorry, but you get the idea... The red shoulder peacock is still sub-adult but looks like he has great potential. The Livingstonii is a try and see - he is a long way off fully grown so don't feel the tank is too small at present - his blue sheen doesn't really come through in the picture sadly.

Protomelas Fire Blue:


Placidochromis Elektra:


OB Peacocks:



Red Shoulder Peacock:


No idea what this one is?




Other stock includes a Baenschi Benga, Firefish, Tangerine Peacock, Lemonjake, Jaobfreibergi juvie, a BN plec, and a syno. Colours in all the fish are really coming out after switching to New Era Red. The 2 EX1200s and 75% weekly water change are coping well with the bioload, so think there is room for a couple more. but will see how the tank is once some of the younger fish have grown more. I also think that one of the fish is a female firefish (my girlfriend's present to me), so that one will be going back as don't want females in the mix.
my tank was a profile 1000 and before that a similar sized on i found the extra depth seemed to suit haps and aulonocara :good:

the best all male setups I have seem was a guy called rob who ran a trigon 450 and dartford aquatics both only kept one of each type with amazing results so id say one of each I tried 2 males of a few types and still had some issues :good:

:good: big rocks cost about 15 quid in total

the 48 tank sounds a good size the ratio depends of filteration and individual taste and each fishes temprement so 10 to 20 depending

where abouts in london are you as i know a couple of good places one north one south you might some of your fish from :good:

How did you post this image!! I need help, i don't understand how to do it! I'm such an idiot lol :)

Sadly lost this guy today - no idea why. Tank stats all fine. He was off his food yesterday then this morning I came back in from a run to find him floating in the tank. Big water change and will keep an eye on the others. Now they're growing am starting to lessen the numbers.

Only recurring issue is filter pipes keep getting loads of brown algae in. Nowhere else in the tank but the filer pipes?
Only recurring issue is filter pipes keep getting loads of brown algae in. Nowhere else in the tank but the filer pipes?

i have the same issue with my external filter pipes, i think all external pipes end up like this, so far i have not had any ploblems :)

sorry for your loss m8 i know how much time and effort you have put in to stocking your tank.
Cheers bud - not a real issue with the pipes - just prefer them clean!! Thankfully the filters are pretty easy to maintain so it's a once a month job to clean up the pipes.

Still not sure what happened to this peacock - everyone swimming around just fine today so might put it down to just being a weak fish? Am still going to do my regular Sunday water change even though I did one yesterday. Hopefully nothing lurking undetected in the tank.

Also spoke to a guy yesterday who I will be swapping a Benga with for a few more Obliquidens - hopefully next weekend.
Today (Sunday) is my day i dont feed the fish, also i have 3 holding females in my main tank and 2 lots of fry growing on in my fry tank, had to buy another fry tank to keep up with all the holding females :)
Not been a great weekend. Came home from watching the Jubilee pageant on the river and saw this...


I knew the Livingstonii was a predator, but didn't think anything in the tank was small enough to be considered food. Sadly I was wrong and have lost a female Obliquidens. Bit disheartened by this weekend now after losing two fish in as many days... Away over the next week but going to take another think about stocking when I'm back and maybe cut back on numbers.
No I'm very attached to him unfortunately. I am thinking of removing some of peacocks so I have maybe 3 species in larger numbers, then a couple of lone "stragglers" like the stonii. This will obviously mean an end to the all male tank I set out to have but think I would get some interesting breeding behaviour which to be honest I do miss in this tank - its quite static as none of the fish really interact. As a very basic concept I'm thinking about 3 groups with differing base colours, ie yellow labs, placidochromis electra, and firefish - so a yellow, blue, and red mix. These are just examples, am yet to decide, so any input would be greatly appreciated. Will head up to SSA next weekend and have a chat with Rick too who has been a big help throughout setting this up.
i find a male/female mixed tank very interactive with the males marking out there territories and chasing the females the courtship and spawning and with all the females holding and stripping them it is very hands on, watching your fry mature and interact is a added bonus, mbuna are the best fish i have ever kept :)

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