

Nov 4, 2003
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ok my aunt has a 10gal tank, no i dont know exact details nor can i really get them but the problem is her glass is COVERED in alge i mean its kinda hard to see in because of it, and she changed/cleaned her tank a few weeks ago...

what im asking is what would cause this? (general things) thanks
direct sunlight will cuase an algae bloom. Is the tank always located in a sunny area?
it has 1 2inch pleco in it, does it need another one in there?

it used to have this 5inch pleco in there... i know its not supposed to make a diff but he NEVER left this one damn house thingy
could it be the fact the big pleco left?, i put a 2inch one in there, he has a super fat belly now :p

my aunts about ready to give up fish kuz this is bothering her,

also she bought some of the compact floroscent bulbs for fish tanks when this started, i took one out, how much will this help?
does she ever switch the lights off?

is there any live plants in the tank?? If there is no live plants you could switch the lights off and only switch them on when someone what to watch the fish...
Okay how about this then, if the plecs are to big to manage, why not keep an army of ottocinclus catfish. They are basicallly shoaling mini plecs which are quite cute having a white bar which runs the length of their body oh and they eat lots of algae!

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