

New Member
Sep 13, 2011
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I have a 29 gallon take with 5 black tetras, 2 silver dollars and a 2 inch pleco ( who will be moved when he get too big) the filter does approx 200 GPH. The water is no where near outdoor sunlight, has a basic fluorescent light. The water is a greenish color. I know that this is usually indicative of algae but the signs just dont point towards it. The water readings are
Nitrate-0 Ammonia- 0 nitrite-0 pH- 7.8 and has a hardness of about 100 ppm
The tank has been running for 9 months or so, not a new tank.
No algae spots on the glass or decor.

I just dont see where the algae is coming from with nothing to feed off of. I was thinking, maybe the hardness/pH could be the problem but i dont see how that would cause problems.

I have done a 50% water change last week, cloudiness (green) came back with in a week just did a 25%. The only sign of algae i am seeing is the green color water... not sure what to do. Maybe i just dont want to give in to the fact that it is algae :)

Ideas and if you think its algae how do you go about getting rid of it (not a fan of the liquid algae killers)

no, its not in direct sunlight and probably 10-14 hours depending on the day.
I turn the light off in my tank when I go out so the fish are nto stressed and to avoid algae do you have a air stone as that may help the problem by agitating the water a little bit
Have you got live or fake plants? That is a long time even if planted. Do you use tap water when doing water changes and what test kit are you using, I would retest nitrate again as 0 is highly unlikely as even tap water has nitrate in. Are your fish eating all the food your feeding them?

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