
Were they sold to you as algae eaters? Those don't sound familiar to me. Here is a site that has pretty good profiles and pics. You might want to look through the plecos, sucker catfish and corys to see if you see anything that resembles what you have. Just for the record, corys aren't algae eaters so I doubt that is what it is but the size is about right for most corys.
Hi Guys!

Tanks for your quick responses! A few more details! I have a 4'x2'x18" tank which has been running for 2 years - although it was recently moved as I moved house. Everything seemed to go fine and as all of the filtration was intact and I moved a quantity of tank water I have seen the tank parameters remain normal. :) The only problem being that the tank is now closer to a window...

I already have 5 ottos - which I have had from the begining, Although they look lost in the tank and barely have a chance to make a difference! The tank is also heavily planted to try and exhaust the nutrients in the water before it turns into algae. So I am really open to suggestions as I have never had any problems with Algae before!

Many Thanks,

PS I am a little confused as to why I have got this private message from 'Discus man':

Lets Cry

Whoooo booohoooo i have algae it looks awfull i need to get a new tank and rush to a forum and see why i am getting algae is it loos nasty BOOOOOHOOOOOO NOBODY F-U-C-K-I-N-G CARES

Umm.. I am not sure what your problem is, but I do know why I am getting Algae. And I was mearly looking for advice..
acech said:
PS I am a little confused as to why I have got this private message from 'Discus man':

Lets Cry

Whoooo booohoooo i have algae it looks awfull i need to get a new tank and rush to a forum and see why i am getting algae is it loos nasty BOOOOOHOOOOOO NOBODY F-U-C-K-I-N-G CARES

Umm.. I am not sure what your problem is, but I do know why I am getting Algae. And I was mearly looking for advice..

Discus Man: I don't want to cause a fight but that doesn't seem to be a very nice way to welcome new members to TFF. :/

:/ Hmmm... achech, I don't know why he'd say that... maybe just having a bad day? :p Just ignore it. And honestly, if we didn't care we wouldn't be replying. :) Anyway, I think in a tank under 30 gals, ottos are great... but bigger than that they can get swamped with all the possible algae. Bristlenose plecs do a good job in middle sized tanks and the larger plecs are excellent in bigger tanks with great filtration.
can anyone explain why ottos are said to need a minimum of 30 gals when they are so tiny? i currently have 2 in a 55l/14 gal and they seem fine, although i am thinking of moving them to a 100l/29 gal and getting a couple more - swapping them with the 3 bronze cory's i have at the mo

(apols for the thread hijack btw)
fatboybaby said:
can anyone explain why ottos are said to need a minimum of 30 gals when they are so tiny? i currently have 2 in a 55l/14 gal and they seem fine, although i am thinking of moving them to a 100l/29 gal and getting a couple more - swapping them with the 3 bronze cory's i have at the mo

(apols for the thread hijack btw)
I have never heard that about otos so I'm not sure. They actually are great for smaller tanks where larger fish are too much.

Acech, I think you would do well with Siamese (not Chinese) Algae Eaters if you can find them. They kept my 75 gallon very clean until an unexpected couple of deaths. I'm hunting a couple more now. If you find a LFS that sells them, make sure they are the real thing and not one of the 2 very similar fish that are sold as SAEs. Here is a site that explains (and shows) the difference very well. Also, sorry for the PM you got. Don't know what may have prompted that but welcome to the forum.

:hi: :hi: :hi: :hi:
acech said:
Hi Guys!

Tanks for your quick responses! A few more details! I have a 4'x2'x18" tank which has been running for 2 years - although it was recently moved as I moved house. Everything seemed to go fine and as all of the filtration was intact and I moved a quantity of tank water I have seen the tank parameters remain normal. :) The only problem being that the tank is now closer to a window...

I already have 5 ottos - which I have had from the begining, Although they look lost in the tank and barely have a chance to make a difference! The tank is also heavily planted to try and exhaust the nutrients in the water before it turns into algae. So I am really open to suggestions as I have never had any problems with Algae before!

Many Thanks,


hiya Chris

You might want to have a look at this, it may change your mind on exhausting the nutrients before you get algae.

My Webpage
heya acech
we are also new to this forum, and we've felt a little animosity from some other members, some ppl can be really unwelcoming, and have almost led me to want to stop using this forum :sad: well at least i now know that it isn't just us, and that other ppl are being bullied too!! us newbies must stick together :flex:
good luck with the algae problem!
kat and james said:
heya acech
we are also new to this forum, and we've felt a little animosity from some other members, some ppl can be really unwelcoming, and have almost led me to want to stop using this forum  :sad:  well at least i now know that it isn't just us, and that other ppl are being bullied too!! us newbies must stick together :flex:
good luck with the algae problem!
I'm sorry that some people are making you and acech feel unwelcome. There are always a few that spoil things. This really is a friendly forum. Of course we always have a topic now and then that gets a little heated but most people still stay civil.

Also, sometimes things may come across in printed material as harsh or insensitive but they aren't mean that way. Also, most people look at post count and consider that a measure of knowledge which is not always the case. I generally figure that someone with with a low post count is a beginner (not always the case either) so sometimes we may give advice that isn't necessary because you already know but it's better to tell you something you already know than to leave out something that would be very important in solving a problem.

Once again, sorry for the bad vibes you have received. and welcome to the forum.

Other algae eaters are mollys, shrimp. IMO a little bit of algae is good for the fishes so as long as it under control, I wouldnt worry too much. Also let us know your water parameters. Do you use fertilisers for your plants?
I've been using this forum for almost a month now and have only received friendly and extremely informative replies.

I am a total novice and newbie and I have found this forum to be the friendliest and best laid out forum I have used for any subject yet.

If you get anymore messages like that inform a site moderator who are listed when active on the site at the bottom with all of the active users highlighted in blue.

I hope you find using this forum as pleasurable an experience as I and the majority of users do.


most people have been really friendly, but there are always a few. we may be new to the forum, but we have had fish for a while now, and goldfish since before that, i don't mind people telling me stuff i already know! but some comments i have had about stuff have been very condescending and patronising!!
most ppl have been very helpful and interesting to hear views from! my moment of feeling like i may leave the forum has ended, and i am just going to get on with it and enjoy the nice ppl i find!! :D
cheers guys!

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