Algae Problem


Fish Fanatic
Nov 20, 2008
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hi all got a bit of an algae problem cant tell ya the water conditions as im waiting for my API master kit to come should be here tomorrow so shall let ya know i havent done my water change of yet but am about to anyone of any way i can get rid of it???
i've always thought of algae as a good thing (as long as it doesn't take over your tank, obviously), it provides my plecs with plenty to munch on and to be honest the tank looked a bit sterile without it.

Obvious solutions to having loads of algae is not having the lights on as long in the day and get a decent algae cleaning magnet thingy!
any idea what the algae looks like?

as mentioned, reducing the light and adding plants will help keep it under control. Also adding a couple of algae eating fish or snails can help.
live plants use the light and nutrients and reduce the amount available to the algae. The more plants you have, the more light and nutrients they use, and the less that is left over for the algae.
Healthy plants also produce a hormone that inhibits algae growth on and around them.
hi all got a bit of an algae problem cant tell ya the water conditions as im waiting for my API master kit to come should be here tomorrow so shall let ya know i havent done my water change of yet but am about to anyone of any way i can get rid of it???

This is what I have gathered from my own experience with algae. As you can see in my sig I have five tanks running. The 75 I have two HOB filters pushing 750 gallons an hour and no live plants. I never get algae in this tank. The two thirty's I just have one HOB filter on each for about a 30 to 50 gallon tank. Get algae in both tanks. The 29 I have a HOB for a 55 gallon a powerhead and a air stone I don't get algae in this tank either. The 55 gallon I have a bubble wand running the length of the tank powerhead and two HOB filter plus its brackish and I don't get algae.

So the conclusion that I have come to is in the tanks that I have either over filtered or a moving current or both I don't have algae. In the ones that I don't I do have algae.

Also I don't have live plants in any of them! :good:
how much light do each of your tanks get erk628? Without light plants and algae won't grow.
hi in answer to as many questions as i can remember the algae is on my ornaments gravel and stones i have 3 live plants and the lighting is 20 watt power glo and aqua glo i put them on at about 9 in the moring and turn them off when i go to bed at about 10pm + is this too long????? am planning to get a pl*co but not for a while as im still cycling my tank with 20% water changes everyday (fish in cycle) my master kit should be delivered today so can post stats later hopefully thanks for getting back to me :flowers:
how much light do each of your tanks get erk628? Without light plants and algae won't grow.

All my tanks get the same amount of light. I turn them all on when I get up which is usually around 9AM and turn them all off at the same time when I go to bed which is usually midnight.
Miss Donna, your 13 hour photoperiod is a bit longer than is usually suggested. Most people shoot for 8 to 10 hours a day of decent lighting for growing plants without too much algae.
hi erk628

that is interesting that you don't get algae in the tanks with lots of water movement, or that are heavily filtered. Normally water movement doesn't make a lot of difference to algal growth and it is more dependant on light and nutrients.
Green water will be removed by good filtration but there are plenty of other alga that grow in tanks. You might have stumbled onto something interesting as far as algae control goes :)
hi erk628

that is interesting that you don't get algae in the tanks with lots of water movement, or that are heavily filtered. Normally water movement doesn't make a lot of difference to algal growth and it is more dependant on light and nutrients.
Green water will be removed by good filtration but there are plenty of other alga that grow in tanks. You might have stumbled onto something interesting as far as algae control goes :)

High turn over rates with attempts to get water movement and nutrient delivery to all four corners of the tank is how successful planted tanks are run. The results of a failure to deliver nutrients to all four corners is well known to most people by now. Low nutrients = poor growth = leached ammonia from plants = algae. Nothing new there to most people who know how to run planted tanks.

Good filtartion should be an obvious benefit in the fight against algae. It is an obvoius benefit in most situations in this hobby. Good O2 and no algae is a also a situation that has been speculated, but with no hard evidence. Large, frequent water changes also help, particularly in the early days of a tank.

Plants outcompeting algae for nutrients is a bit of a non starter for me, as once all my plants have taken their necessary nutrients out of the tank, there is still an excess which alga could capitalise on, but doesn`t.

A 13 hour photoperiod is definitely too long and should be reduced to 8 - 10 hours.

I am not trying to jump on any kind of high horse, but from my experiences and observations, most of what has been wriiten on this thread is incorrect. There is even an indirect mention of allelopathy, which is taking the battle against algae back a few years. I have read Diana Walstad`s Ecology of the Planted Aquarium, but that doesn`t mean it exists in our aquariums. There is no proven build up hormones in our tanks that inhibits algae growth. It has been tried between tanks with exactly the same plants, but with a chemical build up permitted in one tank, but still no difference in algae blooming was noticed. In a poorly run tank, all our plants fall foul of algae.

Donna, you can control algae in your tank via light and keeping your plants happy. However, a picture is vital before any specific advice can be given.

Thanks for the advice guys will only turn lights on for 8 hours then will try to get a pic for you to look at....My water is'nt green at all but knowing my luck now ive said it,,it will probably turn. and my filter is a fluval 204. :)
Ok heres the pics

had to add this as it looks like my dog is in the tank lol




hope this works as im not too sure how to do it......if it dont can anyone help me please lol???

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